Most people occasionally have nights where they just can't fall
asleep, or don't feel rested when they wake up. But if you have these
nights on a regular basis, there's something wrong. It's important to
know that getting a good night's sleep is one of the single biggest
factors in your physical and mental health.
Fortunately, there are proven methods to help you sleep better. Keep reading to find out the most important tips to getting better quality sleep.
1. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol
If you're planning to get to bed between 10:00 PM and midnight, you should avoid caffeine after lunch time. The half-life of caffeine in the human body is six hours, meaning that half of that caffeine from your dinner-time tea is still in your body when you're ready to go to bed. Drinking caffeine in the afternoon, or drinking it in excess in the morning, can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule.
Similarly, many people think that alcohol will help them sleep, but this isn't true. Drinking alcohol might help you initially fall asleep, but it will be a low-quality sleep. Alcohol actually inhibits your ability to enter REM sleep, which is what your body really needs. To add insult to injury, drinking alcohol may cause you to wake up during the night and be unable to fall back asleep.
2. Exercise more
If you're living a sedentary lifestyle, you're probably having trouble sleeping because your body isn't tired at night. Exercise has lots of health benefits, but one of the most important is that it helps you fall asleep. You should be getting some kind of exercise every day. This doesn't mean that you need to be out running a marathon, but consider going to the gym a few times a week and taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
3. Get help with sleep apnea
If you snore or have sleep apnea, it's very likely that you have problems getting high-quality sleep because you'll wake up during the night. Snoring is caused by your tongue blocking your windpipe and reducing the flow of oxygen to your body. This can cause you to wake up, especially if your windpipe becomes completely obstructed.
Fortunately, there are anti-snoring devices on the market which can help treat your sleep apnea. There are a variety of ways in which these work, but the most common method is to displace the tongue so that it can't block your airway. These are relatively cheap, so it's worth trying a few out. If you snore, it's probably one of the best investments you can make in your health.
Take action
Now you know three things you can do to help you sleep better, but the most important thing is to take action. Too many people read and read about how they can sleep better, but never do anything to make it happen. Don't be one of those people. Reclaim your health by taking action to sleep better.
Fortunately, there are proven methods to help you sleep better. Keep reading to find out the most important tips to getting better quality sleep.
1. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol
If you're planning to get to bed between 10:00 PM and midnight, you should avoid caffeine after lunch time. The half-life of caffeine in the human body is six hours, meaning that half of that caffeine from your dinner-time tea is still in your body when you're ready to go to bed. Drinking caffeine in the afternoon, or drinking it in excess in the morning, can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule.
Similarly, many people think that alcohol will help them sleep, but this isn't true. Drinking alcohol might help you initially fall asleep, but it will be a low-quality sleep. Alcohol actually inhibits your ability to enter REM sleep, which is what your body really needs. To add insult to injury, drinking alcohol may cause you to wake up during the night and be unable to fall back asleep.
2. Exercise more
If you're living a sedentary lifestyle, you're probably having trouble sleeping because your body isn't tired at night. Exercise has lots of health benefits, but one of the most important is that it helps you fall asleep. You should be getting some kind of exercise every day. This doesn't mean that you need to be out running a marathon, but consider going to the gym a few times a week and taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
3. Get help with sleep apnea
If you snore or have sleep apnea, it's very likely that you have problems getting high-quality sleep because you'll wake up during the night. Snoring is caused by your tongue blocking your windpipe and reducing the flow of oxygen to your body. This can cause you to wake up, especially if your windpipe becomes completely obstructed.
Fortunately, there are anti-snoring devices on the market which can help treat your sleep apnea. There are a variety of ways in which these work, but the most common method is to displace the tongue so that it can't block your airway. These are relatively cheap, so it's worth trying a few out. If you snore, it's probably one of the best investments you can make in your health.
Take action
Now you know three things you can do to help you sleep better, but the most important thing is to take action. Too many people read and read about how they can sleep better, but never do anything to make it happen. Don't be one of those people. Reclaim your health by taking action to sleep better.
For more information on sleep apnea and anti-snoring devices, visit Jack's website at to learn more.
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