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How to Become Female Fitness Models ?

Unlike their counterparts in the fashion modeling industry, female fitness models focus on the promotion of a healthy image of the body. As such, the highest degree of focus is on their bodies, not on what they have on (usually, all they have on is a scant piece of clothing so as to expose as much as is possible).

 Thus, fitness models dedicate large slabs of their time to staying in peak shape and eating healthy foods. It should be noted however that although one needs to be a hundred percent committed to fitness and healthy dieting, it is not a requirement to possess the measurements of a star athlete in order to pursue a career in modeling. This article highlights steps to take in order to establish a modeling career in fitness.

The first thing to do is stay in shape. This does not mean peaking for a few days then relaxing and gobbling platefuls of food for days on end. Professional boxers may be allowed to do this (their careers are hard enough on them) but female fitness models have no such allowance. For the model, the body is not only her temple; it also doubles up as the source of her income. In a very competitive industry, it is vital to stay in great shape at all times.

Usually, this type of modeling requires a lean body, toned muscles and very little body fat. Some female models are bulkier than their counterparts, though all this lies in the preference of the model. Exercise and clean dieting go hand in hand to building and maintaining a great body.
The next step is to gain education on the art of posing. Being a model is more than just looking tight and superb. It is arguable that proper posing is just as important as the condition of the physique and as such, can build or trash one's career. Posing, especially just a few meters away from a camera, takes a serious amount of practice. One of the ways to help improve on posing is to take as many photographs of oneself as is possible. It is also prudent to hire a modeling coach as well as looking through fitness magazines and doing one's best to imitate the poses present. The next step is to develop a portfolio, and painstakingly so. A portfolio is basically a collection of one's best photographs.
It offers one a chance of impressing potential agents and employers. The things to do are either to employ a professional photographer, or purchase a top quality camera in order to take well updated photos of oneself. The portfolio ought to be updated every two weeks at the very most.

It is of paramount importance that one finds an agent. To succeed in getting a modeling professional job, it is a must for one to be represented by a professional who understands the facets of the field. The agent basically represents, matches one with the right-fitting jobs and alerts one on opportunities that may have arisen. One should do proper research on the right agent, send a portfolio to him or her and make sure to set up a payment arrangement before diving into the contract signing process. There are agents who charge higher commissions than others.

The final step is to seek for modeling jobs. Without this vital step, the previous steps lack much meaning. It is essential to be proactive and not necessarily sit and wait for the agent to seek jobs for one.
female fitness models focus on the promotion of a healthy image of the body.

Protein Shake Diet for Weight Loss

Protein shakes are used in a meal replacement diet. That is when you replace one or two of your meals with a shake. Breakfast is always a winner for a shake to replace a meal. Getting off to a light and healthy start to the day helps us mentally as well as physically.

If you are going to replace two meals a day I would usually recommend that you replace dinner with a shake and have a real but healthy lunch. Sometimes however you are going to have social occasions that require you to take dinner in company. On those occasions it may be preferable that you replace lunch with a protein shake and eat more normally at dinner. You should of course still eat sensibly. There would have been little point in taking the low calorie lunch if you are now going to take the calorie laden desert at dinner.

People suffering from problems that are due to obesity do frequently try a great many types of diet before they obtain their goals and their complaint is often that after stopping an earlier diet they regained all of the weight plus a bit more.

I have written at length, both here and elsewhere about the health value of the ingredients of a protein shake, but it now occurs to me that we underplay the psychological value of meal replacement. Just consider the difference in size between your normal dinner plate laden with food and a 250 ml glass of liquid. Obviously the actual content of the two are completely different, but I am not comparing calories, vitamins or minerals I am just considering volume.

Of course every dietician and nutritionist wants to help in the fight against obesity and it is right and proper that we should concentrate on the quality of the food that we put in our mouths. We should however not get swept away on a tide of technicalities if we lose sight of the wisdom of our forebears. Their simple advice to good health was to eat less and exercise more.

If you have reached your target weight then you are to be congratulated for your perseverance but it will be to no advantage if you regain what you have lost once you return to more normal eating. My suggestion is that those who have reached their goal by meal replacement shakes will have become more used to smaller quantities.

This of itself may be the reason that people using a meal replacement diet have been shown to have more success than others at keeping the weight off.

Looking for that ideal weight loss system? Follow me, Bob Stallard, and I'll get you all the help that you need. To see more articles on dieting issues go to my blog here. To discover how to lose weight quickly and easily, get my free report here.
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How to Take Up Fitness

Expert Author Oana Coroian

The first thing you need to know about fitness training is that you cannot do it alone at first. If you're a novice there is no way you will be able to perform sustained training without screwing it up. Most people want to look like models in no time. They are called season sportsmen, and what they do is waste away their money and time gaining nothing in return.

You need a trainer. It is a bit expensive, but think about it: you only need a trainer at first, for a month tops. because a professional will be able to train you on how to train.

Your body is composed of many muscles and you need to have them all worked out separately in order to maintain symmetry and growth. For example, if you plan on lifting weights, the wrong size and the wrong lifting position will only contract your muscles. You may even spring a rupture while attempting to be healthier.

Also, always remember that your body will cheat on you. When you have to make 15 repetitions of the same exercise, after the eight it will become harder to perform in the correct position. And that's when your body will adjust itself in order to be able to reach the finish, only by adjusting itself it will switch the weight distribution and the muscles you were currently working on building up will loose the tension and other muscles will kick in. That's not good, because by releasing the muscle's tension it means they will no longer grow and the muscles that have just kicked in will only support a part of the exercise, but less than it is needed for them to develop.

So basically, working by yourself is a no win situation. Online training or videos won't help either, because you will think you do it correctly without a proper guide to follow your positions closely and adjust them as you slide away from them. Trust me, I know this from personal experience.

If you want to put on weight or lose weight, nutrition is the key. without it exercises are useless. You will need a certain level of protein and a certain level of calories. You cannot decide that by yourself and a nutritionist can't help you either, because they are trained to suggest the clinical optimum, not what you like to look like. By having complete measurements taken, a fitness trainer can help you out with whatever nutrition diet you need all the while corroborating it with your exercises to achieve the desired effect.

Oana is a member of - an online community where people can meet new people and stay connected to friends, families and share photos, updates, reviews and more.If you decide that it's time to do something about your body, take a moment and think about it, because it's not as simple as it looks. We all want to have a great body and keep in shape, but you can't do it on your own. This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to is live at all times.

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7 Quick Weight Loss Tips

As more and more people spend hours bound to their desks the obesity epidemic is only getting bigger and scarier. Statistics show that most adults and children are weighing more than their counterparts of a decade ago. The worrying fact is that these folks are not just overweight they are obese. Here we share 10 tips to help lose weight quickly.

1. Count the calories - That is right. Keep a tab on the calorie intake. Consume just enough calories to match your lifestyle. A 40-year old female weighing 67 kgs and measuring 150cm with a very light exercise schedule needs to consume 1214 calories/day to lose half a kilo per week. To maintain the same weight the person can consume 1714 calories. Work out your calorie intake using online calorie calculators and watch the weight disappear magically.

2. Drink water - Most often our brain signals hungry when it is actually thirsty. Through years of misuse our brain's signals system for thirst has been blunted.

Try this. Drink water and wait for 15 minutes to see if you still feel hungry. Most likely you won't. Drink 6-8 glasses of water to keep your body hydrated. Drink more if you exercise a lot or out in the hot sun.

3. TV, laptops, game consoles, computers and smart phones are keeping people indoors hooked to them. Dump the devices. Decide to take action and get out. Walk, run, jog, swim, play a game of tag or basket ball with neighborhood kids. If you have to watch a particular TV program use that time to grab some exercise. Skip or dance in front of TV, walk on the treadmill or do your aerobics.

4. Stock your kitchen with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals and low-fat dairy. If you feel hungry grab an apple or a bunch of grapes. If you want some variety include a few nuts like almonds, pistachios or peanuts.

5. If you want to have an occasional treat indulge yourself but exercise restraint. If you love cupcakes and pastries, go ahead but avoid the frosting if possible and stick to one cupcake not three.
6.Instead of buying a double cream latte, choose a low-fat version, instead of sandwiches from the office cafeteria which are loaded with calories, make your own home-made sandwiches with fresh cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and lean meats. Add salt, pepper, herbs and spices for added flavors. Vary the breads and the makings and you can enjoy an unlimited array of sandwiches. Just skip the mayo and butter.

7. Allot a fixed time everyday for your exercise routines or gym work. This helps form a habit and your body will crave for exercise after a few weeks of maintaining a regular schedule. If you are too busy then snatch a few minutes from different parts of your day.

Take 5 minutes to skip in the mornings, 10 minutes in the after noon to walk around the office during the lunch break, a few minutes in the evening to do an intense 7 minute work-out and another 10 minutes to walk after dinner. Take the stairs, walk to supermarket, shovel the snow. Everything adds up.

Do you want to know how to lose weight quickly? Then check out the 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Review, one of the hottest and best weight loss programs, that is both scientific and easy to follow.

Check it out here -
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Improve Your Figure Each Week With These Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is a topic of vital importance for everyone that is truly interested in their health. Although many of us make weight loss our new year’s resolution, it is a topic that must be dealt with year round. The tips in this article are meant to help you become acquainted with weight loss strategies to employ to help ensure you make your goals.

When embarking on a weight loss journey, especially a significant one, set multiple small goals instead of focusing on the main goal. It is much more daunting to think about losing 50 pounds in 6 months than it is to focus on losing 10 pounds in one month. By choosing the smaller goal, in 6 months you will have lost 60 pounds instead of 50.

Reducing your stress level is essential when on a weight loss or fitness plan. Depression can cause you to eat more, eat unhealthy foods and reduce exercise. When you are stressed out it is hard to find motivation to exercise, so reducing stress can lead to being more active.

Look Your Best With These Solid Weight Loss Tips!

Are you looking to lose weight? Weight loss can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be a joyless, taste-free endeavor either. We will give you proven tips and techniques to help you successfully lose weight, and lose it in a healthy way. Follow our tips and you will be well on your way to reaching your goal.
You need to follow nutritional guidelines, even when you try to lose weight. Your body still needs its essential vitamins and nutrients, so you need to choose a path that helps you to lose weight and stay healthy, at the same time. If you are not sure whether to build a diet which is low in fat and high in carbohydrates or low in carbohydrates and high in protein, follow the 60% carbohydrates, 25% fat and 15% protein rule.

To keep from being discouraged, set reasonable weight loss goals. Often, people want to see big results fast, and give up when they don’t. Aim to lose about one to two pounds a week. It’s a goal most should be able to hit easily. It may seem like slow going, but those pounds add up fast and losing weight the right way will help you keep the pounds off.

The 4 Worst Things to Eat at McDonald’s

We all know McDonald’s is terrible for you. But I would like to take this oppertunity to highlight some of the WORST things to eat on their menu. Let’s get started.
1. Angus Bacon and Cheese
This sloppy thing has 790 calories, 39 grams of fat and almost 2,000 milligrams of sodium! …Plus it never looks like the picture. Pass!
2. The McRib
I’ll cut right to the chase about the McRib. It’s made from all of the scraps of pork, ground up with a bunch of filler and blended into a disgusting patty.
The “scraps” are essentially pig intestines and cartilage and other nasty stuff. They add chemicals and spices to make it taste like quality pork…but don’t be a fool and put this crap in your body.  500 calories, and 26 grams of fat
3. Big Breakfast with Hotcakes
At 1,090 calories, 56 grams of fat and 111 grams of carbs, eating this garbage will consume 50%-75% of your daily calories…and you’ll be hungry 2 hours later.
This food (really all fast food) is so processed, that your body digests it so fast and you’re left hungry again shortly after. You’ll probably need a Dearborn Personal Trainer if you keep eating stuff like this!
For a better breakfast, stick with foods high in fiber like oatmeal and whole wheat cereals.
4. McCafe Chocolate Shake 22oz
First off, if you know me, then you know I don’t care for coffee. But that’s not the reason this sugar-filled beverage is on the list (well it kinda is).
This 22 ounce drink has 870 calories, and 25 grams of fat. Let that sink in….almost 1000 calories in just 22 ounces of fluid!! That’s nuts.
If I was going to consume 870 calories, you better believe it’s going to be actual food! Not a drink.
So think twice next time you see those golden arches!