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How to Lose 3 Pounds in 7 Days?

In this article, I will share some of the best ways to help you lose weight without starvation, and supplements. Healthy weight loss is all about a healthy lifestyle. Small healthy habits contribute to a good healthy life. This article is not about crash dieting or losing 30 pounds in 30 days. It is about making small changes in your diet to help you lose 3 pounds in 7 days. Let's get started.

1. Avoid White bread and Pasta
White bread, pasta and white rice contain simple carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are digested quickly while leaving you hungry and un-satisfied.

2. Add more vegetables and fruits in your diet plan
Vegetables contain complex carbohydrates. They are digested slowly to keep you feeling full for a long time. Also, vegetables contain high amount of water which helps in losing water weight.

3. 30 minutes of Exercise
Different cardiovascular exercises have different calorie burn rate. Some of the great examples include yoga, cycling and running.

4. Look slimmer without crash dieting
Stand up straight. You will need to practice the mountain pose in Yoga practice. It will help you keep your spine rigid and shoulders back. These tips will help you look slimmer instantly.

5. Sleep well
Sleep for an extra half hour. The last half hour can refresh you enough to make better food choices. When you wake up refreshed, you will not look for quick sugar foods. You can prepare your breakfast to give yourself healthy nutrients and vitamins.

6. Drink homemade Juices
Do you know juices provide you essential nutrients and vitamins? They are tasty and they provide you energy without giving extra sugar. Always, prepare your meals at home. Do not buy artificial juices as they are full of artificial sugar. Believe me, it does not take much time and it will help you stay energetic throughout the day.

7. Drink more water
I know you have heard it many times. The best things in the world are free. Water is free. There are many ways to drink more water. You can buy beautiful water bottles (1.5 liters capacity). Take these bottles with you whenever, you are going to office. You can drink an extra 1.5 liter in no time.

8. Join a weight loss program
Local gyms and slimming centers often host different weight loss events. You can join these events at low fees. These programs help you stay motivated and you can easily lose 3 pounds in 7 days.
If you would like more information, visit
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Warrior Wellness

If the U.S. Government ever decides that colonoscopies shall be mandatory for people at the age of 50+ (you know, as part of the Internal Revenue Code) federal officials will have to assign a SWAT team to enforce Vik Khanna's compliance with that requirement.

"Did you know there is scant evidence that getting a colonoscopy actually reduces deaths from colon cancer? Well, you might ask, why then do we pitch colonoscopy as an essential screening? Because we have developed an industry around colonoscopy, and medical care providers generate a great deal of revenue from doing it."

That quote came from the book I just read, "Your Personable Affordable Care Act, How to Avoid Obamacare," by Vik Khanna. Although, I kind of like "Warrior Wellness" as an alternative title.
No Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes here. Think Sun Tzu, and "The Art of War." Khanna's book is 105 pages of lean, mean, hard-hitting advice on life and health. Khanna dislikes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and offers a colonoscopy of sorts of the U.S. healthcare system.

And here's how the author qualifies his readership,
"Victim wannabes will not like this book... Health is not a medical product; it is your (birth) right, but like all inalienable human rights, it is exercised fruitfully only with serious attention to its attendant responsibilities."

As I read the book, it's as if Khanna had Milton Friedman in his right ear, and Ralph Nader in his left. That, and he delivers information like it was coming out of a high-powered fire hose, which gives one the feeling of being whiplashed, while experiencing 9 Gs of force. By the time I got through the Introduction, I was at my maximum exercise heart rate.

Check with your physician before reading this book to make sure your heart is healthy enough to take it. OK. Somebody please tell Khanna I was just joking about that.
The Author Is Not a Lunatic

(not that my validation is even required. Just saying)
As you read this, you might think the author is exaggerating (or has completely lost his mind). I urge you to take a look at the actual ACA law (when you have a couple spare years). Just don't hit the print button and leave the house. It's almost 11,000 pages, (about 11.5 million words).

Hey, what could go wrong?

Khanna highlights a few things that have been going wrong in healthcare, and are now accelerating - corruption... crony capitalism... lack of transparency... collusion... higher cost... rationing care... higher taxes... poor to harmful care... bad health outcomes... and a distorted U.S. economy. He touches on all these issues with convincing data and true stories. He's lived in the beast. He says, "... because for the past 30 years, I have seen the American healthcare industry from the inside out." And then it hit me. Of the handful of people I know who work in the healthcare industry, almost all of them sound like Khanna when they talk about their frustrations and outrage. And they all have the same frustrations and outrage about the things he exposes.

The observations in this book about the ACA were also recently reinforced by Steven Brill, author of "America's Bitter Pill," who was featured on CBS's 60 Minutes with Lesley Stahl, "What Obamacare Doesn't Do." According to Brill, "Obamacare is an orgy of lobbying and backroom dealing."
And Avik Roy, author of the book "The Case Against Obamacare" and a Forbes opinion editor, piles on the data that demonstrates healthcare costs are skyrocketing under the law.

The point Khanna and other ACA critics seem to be making is this:

a. The U.S. healthcare system is totally screwed up and corrupt.
b. The ACA law reinforces that bad behavior - because it was actually written by the lobbyists whose industries benefit the most from it.

All at the expense of patients and the U.S. taxpayer.
Khanna acknowledges the ACA has some good aspects. He agrees that eliminating pre-existing condition clauses, making your benefits portable, and offering more people healthcare coverage is all good and was needed.

As he explains however, the ACA addressed these issues like a homeowner who needs new carpet but replaces the whole house instead. I think of it more like going duck hunting with an aircraft carrier (just trying to stay with my warrior genre).

From my perspective, I'd organize Khanna's book into five main themes:

1. How to survive the U.S. healthcare system primarily by avoiding it.

2. Why personal physical fitness trumps everything else in health.

3. "Eat less. Eat less crap." (pg.6)

4. The power of personal responsibility.

5. Get off your lazy ass! (Another possible title for this book.)

The book is a great primer on the status of our current healthcare system, and the hundreds of linked sources are interesting and insightful in every part of the book, even if you disagree with the author.
Relative Risk vs. Real Risk

Khanna wastes no time in getting at one of the key, underlying problems in why ordinary people put up with a corrupt healthcare system. He's one of the few who understands the folly of the healthcare industry using relative risk instead of real risk to explain treatment options.

The author explains, "... media reports exclaim a study's 50 percent (!) reduction in mortality (a reduction in relative risk), without disclosing that the actual death rate for a particular problem was only 2 per 1,000 (0.2 percent) to begin with, meaning that absolute risk of death after the intervention is now 1 per 1,000 (0.1 percent)."

I finally got my biofueled, C+ grade brain around this concept a few years ago after reading, "Helping Patients Understand Risks, 7 Simple Strategies for Successful Communication," by John Paling, PhD. When addressing this issue, Khanna demonstrated to me that he has a deep understanding of why our healthcare system is not only screwed up but dangerous for the average person to navigate.

Workplace Wellness
According to Khanna, the medicalization of America is also taking place at work. Wellness programs have morphed into what my colleague, Jon Robison, coined as "Wellness or Else."
Robison says, "For many of us who have been involved for decades with wellness and health promotion, punishing people for not doing wellness is an extremely disturbing trend." Robison was referring to the financial punishment many employers are starting to levy against people who don't sign up or comply with the pry, poke, prod, and punish wellness programs. Which means workplace wellness is almost totally about clinical screening.

And it turns out the ACA uses the tax code to incent workplaces to conduct more of these types of wellness programs. Also see, "Surviving Workplace Wellness with Your Dignity, Finances and (Major) Organs Intacts," by Al Lewis and Khanna.

The authors and I are brothers-in-arms about the failings and risks of using the healthcare system. Here's my take on the subject, "Wellness vs. Illness: How to Use 21st Century Medicine to Your Advantage Without it Eating You up Like a Paper Shredder."

Personal Health Advice
The book has a big dose of personal tips for improving your physical fitness, mental toughness, and how you eat. The personal stuff is a little too prescriptive for me, but Khanna pulls back the curtain on his life and lets you peek inside. That insight frames his style, and makes the specific, to-dos and not to-dos more tolerable and relevant.

In fact, Khanna is at an elite fitness level for his age (late 50s), so it's interesting and informative to learn what goes on in his head to accomplish that status. He thinks if he can do it, you can too. If you survived the Introduction of this book, you might be able to do so.

He tells us he's been disciplined in his exercise and eating habits most of his life. And he's now working on his black belt in Karate. His approach seems like healthy living as a Kata. That's not wrong. It's just his style, and it might work for you. When I read the book, I sometimes felt like The Karate Kid getting advice from, Sensei Kesuke Miyagi, "wax on, wax off."

Tough Love
There is, however, an aspect of "tough love" in his message. He's passionate, and he cares about you and your potential to live a life in health. It's like getting a hug from a battle hardened, Marine drill Sergeant. Khanna says, "A lot of what you should be doing for yourself is physical but the biggest challenge you'll have to overcome is believing you are tough enough to create health with the propulsive force of your own intelligence and imagination."

He probably walks around singing "Lean On Me" all day, while wearing his favorite t-shirt, which reads, "I work mine off so I can kick yours" on the back. It makes for a very interesting read. And at the end, you'll learn that Khanna does balance that yin and yang in a unique way.
My wife would tell you that I've got a slightly elevated, competitive nature myself. And I found this guy got inside my head a little. I notice I am watching what I eat more, and pushing a little harder when I work out. Could I be asking myself, "What Would Khanna Do (WWKD)?" Nah. Well, maybe.
In a world that does not always have your best interest in mind, you've got a sincere advocate in Vik Khanna. Read the book, "Your Personal Affordable Care Act, How to Avoid Obamacare."
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Just Start Walking

If you are getting back into exercise, starting out, or have some health issues that need to be addressed, walking is the perfect place to start.

I'm not talking the little jaunts to the fridge, or walking around for your job. You are used to that. They don't count.

You need to exercise specifically for exercise. That is, you need to raise your heart rate and breathing for it to count.

Start with what you can do. If that's only to the mailbox and back, make that the best walking you do all day. Build from there. Add a couple more yards. Then a couple more minutes. On nice days push yourself farther and farther.

It's OK to take push yourself, then take a break before going back home.
Push yourself a couple of steps farther each day.

Proper walking uses all the muscles in your body. Your stomach should be tight when you walk to take pressure off your back. Your knees should always be bent to avoid damage. Your arms should active.

The biggest muscles we use for exercise are our quads (fronts of our legs), abdomen (stomach), and glutes (butt). If you carry a small weight in each hand, your arms get better, too!

Avoid walking with your head down. Look level and to the front. You put pressure on your back by looking down and rob yourself of working your core muscles when your back muscles are strained.
Walking is the top exercise for people with injuries, even knee injuries. Unless there is a physical disability that prevents walking, this is the best exercise for you.

I've seen many people with walkers and canes get out and start walking. Yes, they start very slow, and so should you. Walking when engaging your muscles is healthy and necessary.
Walking also uses up hormones in your body that cause fat storage. It quickly and efficiently burns sugars and helps digestion.

What to do when the weather is bad?
At the very least, walk around the house. Or the mall, or the grocery store. Have a backup plan in mind. Another option is a yoga DVD.

Best Walking:
Go take the dog for a walk. People who walk with their dogs walk farther, faster, and more consistently than people who are just walking.

Keep a journal of how often and how far you walked. This is the best way to see how far you've come. It's OK to start off with just a couple feet. You will soon get better.
Christina Major is the Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Nutritionist of Crystal Holistic Health Consulting. Crystal Holistic Health helps people, especially women, who have Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure lower their numbers, get off medication and increase their energy so they can save money, take back control of their lives and improve the health and happiness of their families. You can get a free report on health at
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Fitness Secret Weapon: Kale

We all know we should eat our vegetables, especially dark leafy greens. It's absolutely true and kale is perhaps the single best thing that you could include in your diet other than adequate protein. Simply put, kale is a nutritional powerhouse: it's rich in fiber and is a great source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as manganese and copper, which is a nutrient that can be difficult to get enough of in your diet. Additionally, it's packed with cancer and inflammation fighting phytonutrients as well as having more protein than any other cultivated vegetable, making it the ideal ally to your New Jersey physical training.

However, if you're not that handy in the kitchen, you might find yourself staring at a bunch of kale and wondering just what to do with this vegetable. It's easier (and more versatile) than you may think. Once you clean it, you can roll the leaves up into a cigar-like shape, slice it into ½" pieces and steam or sauté it. Seasoned with a little salt, pepper, garlic and a splash of red wine vinegar, it's delicious all by itself or as an accompaniment to almost any meal.

Of course, there's a lot more that you can do with kale. You can chop it into larger pieces, toss it with oil and sea salt and bake it into kale chips (a much healthier and more nutritious alternative to potato or tortilla chips). You can also massage raw kale with a pinch of salt and make it the main ingredient in a salad along with sunflower or pumpkin seeds, tomatoes and a mashed avocado and lemon juice dressing, which is both delicious and on a lot of restaurant menus these days, both in northern New Jersey as well as on the other side of the Hudson.

You might think that any green vegetable is just as good, but you'd be wrong, as any professional New Jersey personal trainer can tell you. Iceberg lettuce is no match for dark leafy greens like kale, which are beneficial for almost every part of your body, not to mention weight loss, bodybuilding and any other fitness goals you might have. If better health is what you want, kale deserves a regular place at your table starting today.

Adding this information to your current workout plan and a proper nutrition program, will enhance your fitness results and bodily fat loss.

For more tips, tricks, and $29 for 30 days of bootcamp visit
Check this training video out for extra help:
Fat Burning Zone.
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Are You Confused How To Start Losing Weight?

I often get emails from readers asking advice how to start losing weight. If you're someone who's truly interested in shedding that extra weight in a natural, healthy manner, then one of the first items of business you need to focus on is your nutrition.
Now before you roll your eyes and scoff at the notion of eating healthy, let's look at what healthy nutrition truly entails.

One way to think of nutrition is just like the fuel you put in your car. Each gas tank only needs a certain amount to be filled to capacity. What do you think would happen if you continued to put gas in a tank that is already full? Yep you guessed it, the gasoline will start overflowing spilling out of the tank getting the side of the car all wet until it starts splashing on the floor.

This is exactly how our daily intake of food should be viewed. Our body (car) only needs a certain amount of food (fuel) each day. If you put too little, it sputters and won't function at its peak performance, put too much and it overflows. But in this case the overflow is what unfortunately becomes excess weight in the form of fat on the body.

You want to avoid this at all possible especially if you're trying to lose weight. It all comes down to numbers, like it does with your gas tank. As your tank holds for example 13.4 gallons of gas, your body only needs a certain number of calories per day.

Since each one of us is different, we each have a calorie amount that will provide an appropriate amount of fuel for the body to function in a healthy manner. Knowing this daily calorie amount is key since this will be the number you will strive to hit each and every day whenever possible.
However, you may be wondering how you are actually supposed to figure out how many calories are in each item of food you plan on eating. In all honesty, attempting to figure this out on your own can be a monumental undertaking likely taking far too much time and energy.

Who wants to be burdened with that?
Thankfully there are digital tools to make all this simple to set up and use regularly. If you haven't had the opportunity to use one of the many calorie counting websites or applications for smartphones, there are some really great ones out there most of which are free! These helpful tools take the mystery out of calorie counting and make the entire process a breeze.

When you focus on the amount of food you are consuming on a regular basis you will be far less likely to overfill your gas tank and instead stick with a calorie amount that will promote weight loss.
Naturally this will take some time getting used to while you are breaking some of your current eating habits, however you'll find the more you consciously focus on making healthy choices in regards to your nutrition, new habits will slowly emerge over time.

Once you get a pretty good handle on your nutrition, and tie in a bit of exercise (if your doctor gives you to green light) a few times per week whether it be walking, jogging, biking, playing a sport, or taking an exercise class, then you will really see the weight come off.
Be patient yet diligent with the process. Remember you won't lose all that weight overnight, but if you're willing to stick with it and continually monitor how much sustenance you're putting into your gas tank on a regular basis, you will eventually reach your goal.

Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating eBook just for stopping by at
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Health: How Are You?

I am often surprised by how many people avoid being around others because they don't know how to answer the question "How Are You?" Some people who have been ill or on a medical leave really don't know how to respond to the question. They think that the other person might be judgmental, especially if they say that they have been suffering from depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Other people think that it is none of the other person's business and want to keep things private.
Following are some ideas about the question "How are you?":

1. This is likely just a greeting - When I was in England, a young man greeted me as I came out of the bathroom. He said "Are you alright?" I immediately thought that something was wrong with my appearance or that he thought I was in trouble. The boy's father saw my confusion and explained that his son meant "Hi". In Canada "How are you?" often is just a way to greet another person.

2. Others don't really care - Most people are so wrapped up in their own life that they aren't really interested in your answer to this question. Sometimes they aren't even listening!

3. Use honesty - Don't lie or used automatic "canned" answers like "Great" or "Fine" unless that is really true.

4. Develop short, practiced responses - When I am consulting with media I usually prepare one-liners that capture the message that I want to communicate. I teach clients to do the same thing regarding their health. For example, you might state "Not as good as I am going to be but better than I was". When others hear this, they usually accept it and move on to another topic.

5. Create a scale that professionals understand - Write the numbers "0" to "10" in a vertical line down the left-hand side of a paper. Then write a description of what your health would be like at each number with "0" being the worst situation and "10" being the best. Share the list with your physician, insurance worker or other professional. It will then be much easier to communicate with that person in the future by using a number rather than just words to describe how you are feeling.

6. Divert to another topic - One sentence can change everything. Perhaps you could say "Let's talk about your children" or "Enough about me. How are you doing?" Asking a good open question that doesn't have a "yes" or "no" answer can move the focus dramatically. (And remember, people tend to like to talk about themselves and their interests so you just need to get them started).

7. Practice enjoying life - If you are avoiding people or activities because you are afraid that someone will ask you about your health, then you are the one who is missing out! Practice the above and then head out determined to see how these techniques work like magic. You will feel better just knowing that you have conquered one more barrier to healthy living.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker
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Overcoming Carpal Tunnel Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very prevalent in our society. Just about everybody knows of someone who has experienced or continues to experience the condition. Although the condition is very prevalent many people still don't understand what the signs and symptoms are and certainly don't understand the treatment options available.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel
Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel includes numbness & tingling (feelings of pins and needles), pain or burning in the thumb and the first two and a half fingers. Swelling often occurs in the fingers. Weakness of the hand or diminished grip strength. It's not uncommon for sufferers of carpal tunnel syndrome to constantly drop things.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur in one or both hands. Most of the time when it's both hands, the patient's dominant hand is the most affected. It typically worsens at night interrupting sleep.
The symptoms may resemble other conditions. One of these other conditions which is often confused with carpal tunnel syndrome is Pronator Terres Syndrome. The difference is with the latter the patient will experience symptoms in the palm of the hand as well. There will also be symptoms affecting the forearm. It's important to differentiate between the two because the course of treatment is very different and if the wrong treatment is provided the patient will not get better. All too often Doctors will treat one syndrome when the patient is actually suffering from the other condition.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel?
Lets first go over what the carpal tunnel is. Well it's just what it sounds like, a tunnel. It is a tunnel in the wrist where nine tendons and the median nerve pass through. The border of the tunnel is made up of eight tiny bones called carpals that are arranged in a "C." At the open end there is a big thick ligament that is attached to either end of the "C."

Carpal tunnel syndrome is when there is pressure on the median nerve. This can range from slight irritation to total compression of the nerve. There are two causes of compression to the nerve. The first is a narrowing of the tunnel itself from bones that are misaligned and protrude into the tunnel. This is the most common cause of carpal tunnel sundrome. The second is something occupying the tunnel that is generally not there. This can be inflammation, a tumor or bone growth such as arthritis.

Treatments for Carpal Tunnel
There are a variety of treatments available for carpal tunnel. The traditional standard of care for the medical approach is prescribing medication, physical therapy and bracing until it progresses and becomes severe enough to perform surgery. Unfortunately none of these methods actually fix the problem. Medication may relieve pain short term however will not re-arrange the bones into their proper position. Neither will bracing the wrist with splints. Surgery is performed by cutting the ligament across the opening of the "C" so that the tunnel is enlarged allowing the pressure to be relieved from the nerve. This leaves the wrist unstable and often the bones shift even more over time. All of these methods typically only offer a temporary or short term solution and only focus on pain reduction.

To correct the problem with long term success the mechanical dysfunction of the wrist must be identified and corrected. This is often caused by mis aligned bones. Once identified the bones need to be realigned by someone with extensive training such as a Hand and Foot Chiropractor.
After the correction and the bones are in the proper place the wrist will function as it is intended to do. Typically the patient will experience much relief after the first treatment. Other therapies such as cold laser will also be used to aid in healing of the tissue. Lastly physical therapy will need to be done however not until the mechanical dysfunction has been corrected.

Treatment with a non-invasive conservative approach should be sought out first. This may save a patient from spending thousands of dollars and recovery time from an un-necessary surgery that many times only offers short term relief. Remember that a patient may always opt to have surgery however cannot undo surgery or the side-effects which is why this approach she be the last on the list.
Dr. Canuel is a full body Melbourne Chiropractor who treats the tiny bones in the hands and feet in addition to the spine for conditions such as plantar fasciitis in the foot or carpal tunnel in the wrist.

For more information on conservative approaches to treating hand or foot conditions call 321-499-4608 or visit or our website at
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How To Get a Healty Skin With Acne Treatment

Acne is the most common skin disease worldwide. It is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people in their teens and twenties. In fact, it is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions commonly called pimples. Acne is a universal skin disease which manifests in all genders, ages, and races. Fortunately, acne is treatable and can be resolved.

Most people do not have any problem in recognizing acne. In the simplest terms, the direct cause for problem skin is blocked oil ducts and pores in the skin. The biggest problem: Many adults dry out their skin with use of oil-stripping products or excessive washing. To effectively deal with any problem, you must first understand and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. If the problem is severe, then oral antibiotics may be needed along with topical applications.

Is clear, healthy skin important to you. Diseases of the skin are a common occurrence. It's very important to be taking care of that skin these days. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions. Do protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns if you currently have acne. This is one of the key factors behind many skin disorders including acne. To normalize functioning of problematic skin it is necessary to use acne products. Here are some tips for keeping your skin acne free.

*Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.

*Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.

*Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver.

*If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

*If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don't allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation.

*Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.

*Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.

*Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it's only temporary.
We know more today than ever before about the treatment of acne. Fortunately effective treatment is available for acne of all severity. No treatment will completely 'cure' your acne. It's a known fact that an effective acne treatment can prevent emotional and physical scarring. The main aim of an acne treatment is to prevent new spots appearing on the skin. Remember that it can take 3-6 weeks to see any improvement after beginning an acne treatment.

Myth #1 is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. While acne is not caused by dirty skin, it can be aggravated by grease in the skin. Fortunately it is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars. Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body and is caused by a blockage to the opening of the oil glands in the skin. Acne is a skin condition that every teen encounters and deal with at some point of their lives. It is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.

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Closer To Truth: Is Time Travel Possible?

There is an ongoing PBS TV series (also several books and also a website) called "Closer To Truth". It is hosted by neuroscientist Robert Lawrence Kuhn. He's featured in one-on-one interviews and panel discussions with the cream of the cream of today's cosmologists, physicists, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, etc. on all of the Big Questions surrounding a trilogy of broad topics - Cosmos; Consciousness; God. The trilogy collectively dealt with reality, space and time, mind and consciousness, aliens, theology and on and on and on. Here are a few of my comments on one of the general topics covered - Is time travel possible?

# Is time travel possible? Actually I personally don't believe time exists. Change exists, and time is just our measurement of rate of change. IMHO time is just a concept. Time is a mental construct that helps us come to terms with change. Some cosmologists say that time was created at the Big Bang, as if time were a thing with substance and structure, but I challenge them to actually create some time in front of their peers or maybe a TV audience or at least produce a theoretical equation or two that would create time. In the meantime, here's a trilogy of points.

First, the concept of time travel is one of those fun parts of physics. Whether true or not, it is entertaining to play the 'what if' game. If nothing else, the concept makes or forces one to think about the nature of reality.

Secondly, Einstein and others have postulated that time travel is a theoretical reality and I'm not in their sort of league that I can dispute the theories. I'll leave that to others who know the field inside and out.

But thirdly, and most importantly, you can never actually be in the future or the past, only in the future or the past compared to where and when you are now. In other words, no matter how you slice and dice things, you exist in the where-ever and in the whenever in that where-ever's or whenever's NOW or in other words in the present. You cannot literally be in any future or in any past since you only experience the NOW which is the present. If you should somehow travel back one hour, you would still experience things as belonging to NOW. If you sleep for one hour then wake up, you are in the future relative to when you went to sleep, but you still find yourself in the NOW.

# Is time travel possible? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, we can travel into the future at one second per second, we do that anyway whether we like it or not. Yes we can travel into the future at a slightly quicker rate by going to sleep or otherwise having our sense of consciousness, our awareness of rate of change (which is what time really is or measures) incapacitated. You get drunk and pass out and the next thing you know you are 12 hours into the future.

Yes we can travel into the future as outlined by Einstein's twin 'paradox' where one twin travels at a very high rate of speed outward bound, stops and returns to home base, while the stay at home twin, well, stays home. Upon their reunion the travelling twin finds their stay at home twin to be far older, so the travelling twin has travelled into the future more rapidly than would otherwise have been the case. Yes, you can travel back in time, in theory, according to the apparent theoretical properties that wormholes or black holes can have. No, you can't travel to the past because of all of those nasty paradoxes.

I like the variation on the grandfather paradox whereby you travel back just one hour into the past and shoot yourself dead. That's a novel way of committing suicide! The other paradox I like is when you go back in time to have Shakespeare autograph your copy of "Hamlet". Shakespeare isn't home but the maid promises to have him autograph your book when he returns. Alas, your timing is slightly off and Shakespeare hasn't yet written "Hamlet", so when he receives your copy from his maid to autograph, he reads it, and after you return to Shakespeare's home and receive back your now autographed copy and return home to your own time, Shakespeare now writes "Hamlet".

The paradox is, where did "Hamlet" come from since Shakespeare only wrote it after he had already seen your copy. No, you can't travel back to the past because if that were possible there would be hoards of time-travelling tourists who went back in time to witness some important historical event or other. No hoards of photo-snapping tourists have ever been documented being present at Custer's Last Stand, the Battle of the Alamo, the sinking of RMS Titanic, or any one of thousands of similar historical events. Yes, you can travel back in time but only into a parallel universe. If you shoot yourself but it is another you in another universe, no paradox arises.

You travel back in time to have Shakespeare autograph your copy of "Hamlet" but in that parallel universe Shakespeare can now write "Hamlet" based on your copy and no paradox results. However, the one point I find interesting is that if you end up in the future, or in the past, are you really in the future or the past? No, the only time you can exist in is the present, your right here and NOW time. It might be a different time from what you previously knew, but still wherever and whenever you exist, you only exist in the NOW.

# Is time travel possible? It could already be the case that time travel has been documented at the quantum level although that could be open to interpretation. Before I get to the specifics, I just need to point out that with respect to the laws, principles and relationships of physics, time is invariant. Operations in physics remain invariant in time whether time is moving as we normally perceive it (past to future) or back to front (future to past).
For example, gravity would operate as per its normal grab-ity self in a world where time flowed backwards. There's many an operation one could film that when the film were run backwards, one wouldn't be any the wiser. Tree branches blowing in the wind comes to mind, or the coming together, collision, and rebounding or separation of two billiard balls. Okay, having established that when it comes to physics, physics doesn't care which direction time is flowing, there will be no violations in those laws, principles and relationships of physics future to past, we now come to the delayed double slit experiment.

In the normal double slit experiment, you have an electron gun that fires one electron particle at a time, such that one electron completes its journey before the next one is fired, at two side-by-side slits. If one or the other slit is open, the one-at-a-time electrons pass through the open slit to a detector screen behind the slits. The detector screen gets hit in nearly the same spot every time after each and every electron particle passes through the single open slit. That is straight forward. If both slits are open, the electron shape-shifts into a wave (how I don't know), passes through both slits (as only a wave can), morphs back into a particle and hits the detector screen. The difference is that after enough electrons have been fired, and have passed or waved through the double slits, the hits on the detector screen are not in just one or two spots but all-over-the-map, albeit all-over-the-map in a classic wave interference pattern. Okay, that's the classic experiment.

Now we do a variation on the theme, the delayed double slit experiment. Electrons are fired one-at-a-time, with both slits wide open. An all-over-the-map classic wave interference pattern should appear on the normal detector screen after enough electrons have been fired. However, in addition to the normal detection screen, there are two other detectors positioned behind the normal detector screen that are each in an exact line-of-sight with each of the two slits. The electron is fired.

It morphs into a wave and passes through both slits then morphs back into a particle. But before the electron, which has already passed through both slits, can hit the detector screen, the detector screen is removed to reveal behind it the other two line-of-sight detectors. Now presumably once the electron has passed though the double slits it's too little too late to change its mind about where it's going to hit. Only a tiny few should be detected by the two line-of-sight detectors aligned with the two slits. Alas, each and every electron will be detected by one or the other of the line-of-sight detectors. It would appear that the electron CAN change its mind after it has already gone through both slits and instead appear to have gone through one or the other of the two slits. One interpretation is that the electron, after having passed through both slits, realised the gig was up, travelled back in time, retraced its path and passed through one or the other slit.

As an aside, the late Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman noted that the double slit experiment went to the heart of quantum weirdness. I mention this because it was the same Richard Feynman who suggested that a positron (an anti-electron) was just an ordinary electron that was going backwards in time.

# Is time travel possible? I have several other points to make about the concept of time travel.
Firstly, there is Stephen Hawking's idea of a Chronology Protection Conjecture which postulates that there is some as yet undiscovered law of physics which prevents time travel to the past and thus makes the cosmos a safe place for historians to strut their stuff.

Secondly, it has been said that you cannot travel farther back in time than the date your time travel 'device' was constructed, be it a wormhole or some other gizmo. So if some genius builds a time travelling 'device' in 2014, he's not going anywhere into the past. But in 2015 he can travel back to 2014 and in 2114 he could travel back to any time between 2114 and 2014. The analogy is that you cannot travel through a tunnel prior to when that tunnel was built. Thus, we don't see human time travelers because no human time travelling 'device' has yet been constructed. The flaw there is that doesn't prohibit ET from visiting who might have constructed a time travelling 'device' millions of years ago. Recall those pesky UFOs though they don't seem to cluster around significant terrestrial historical events so maybe ET doesn't care about our history and are just here on vacation from their future.

Thirdly, presumably your time travelling 'device' is fixed at some sort of celestial coordinates. Because everything in the cosmos is in motion, when you re-emerge into that cosmos after starting on a time travelling journey, while you may be at those same fixed celestial coordinates the rest of the cosmos would have moved to differing celestial coordinates. So, if you start out in London you won't end up in London on down, or up, the time travelling track. Finally, the concept of your, or the future or of the past or your past is only relative to what you choose as some fixed point. If you pick your date of birth as that fixed point, then clearly you are now in the future relative to your date of birth. If you pick the concept of an ever ongoing NOW, the present, as a fixed point, you are neither in the future or the past relative to the NOW nor will you ever be. That of course doesn't mean you can't recall your past, what existed before your NOW (although the past in general is more abstract) or plan for your future after your NOW (although the future in general is beyond your control).

# Is time travel possible? There's yet another form of time travel, or at least the illusion of time travel, and that's via the cinema. Films and TV shows involving time travel are many and often legendary. But that's not quite the medium I wish to explore here. One can program time travel into a computer simulation. You can have a video game where the characters travel backwards (or forwards) in time, or have a software program that loops around back to the beginning. Now the question is, might we be characters or virtual beings in a Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe? If so, the software programs that run our virtual show might allow for time travel, or virtual time travel, yet still time travel that would appear to us to be quite real. Now where does our sense of deja vu really come from?

# Is time travel possible? There is one other form of pseudo 'time travel' towards the future that can be debunked. Presumably the only way you can know what the future brings, without benefit of any theoretical 'device' that can propel you there at a greater rate of knots than at one second per second, is to stay alive. Once you kick-the-bucket that's it. Your second per second journey towards the future is over. It's a pity that that worthless stock you hold just happens to sky-rocket to fantastic values within a week of your demise, or maybe you'd really like to know if ET exists but the discovery happens a few days too late as far as you are concerned.
Of course some might claim an afterlife will enable you to keep up to date with future happenings from that heavenly vantage point high up in the sky, but apart from that, there are those who claim to have led past lives or existed in past incarnations. Thus, you can still continue your journey to discover what the future holds by passing on to another body via being conceived again (and again and again).
There's one huge problem however with 'remembering' alleged past lives. Your mother's egg cell cannot remember your past lives. Your father's sperm cell cannot have any recollection of your past lives. Therefore, the you that comes to pass at conception cannot hold any memory of past lives. So, where did your memory of past lives come from? Might I suggest that it was internally generated out of wishful thinking, that perhaps a belief that you existed in the past will give rise to a belief that you will exist again in the future, and as a pseudo form of afterlife and as a pseudo form of 'time travel' that gives you comfort. Anyway, that concept is a really far out methodology of 'time travel' but one which can be dismissed despite the many people who seemingly believe that they indeed have 'time travelled' towards their endless future via this method.
Science librarian; retired.
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Eat To Live - Don't Live To Eat

It's no doubt that there are more fat people than ever before. The reason for this is because people are living to eat and as a result they are eating a lot of food.
Why people eat a lot of food
There are a number of reasons why some people tend to eat a lot of food. One of the reasons is because of emotions. It has been observed that people in high stress jobs are more overweight than those in less stressful positions. This means that people in stressful jobs tend to eat more as a result of stress that comes from their jobs.
Another reason why people tend to eat a lot is due to the advertisements on TV, Radio and internet. The advertisements keep on telling people to eat more which screws up the natural cravings of many people.
The most unfortunate thing with the foods advertised is that they are usually full of calories and fat which means as more people eat the food, the more they get fat.
Another reason why people overeat is due to lack of balance. Many people are living sedentary lives where they wake up, go to work, sit for hours and then return home and sit until they retire to bed. This type of a lifestyle means that people have no time to exercise and as a result all the food that they eat is stored as fat.
What's the way out?
The way out of living to eat is eating when it's absolutely necessary. This means that you need to set a schedule when you are going to eat and stick to it. If you are unsure of how you can set and stick to a schedule you should visit your nutritionist who will advise you on how to go about it.
Another way of getting out of the problem is viewing food as energy and nothing else. Here you need to tell yourself that you need to eat food that will give you the energy that you require at that moment.
This means that if you need a lot of energy you should eat plenty of food; however, if you need just a small amount of energy you should eat just small amount of food.
To ensure that the foods that you eat are of great help to your body you need to eat a balanced diet. This means that you should eat foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. You should also drink plenty of water that aids in hydrating the body.
Visit our website for more tips on healthy eating. You will also find other great Personal development material that will be of great help to you.

Starting A Fitness Program At Home Made Simple

For a lot of people, going to a fitness center works just about fine. However, not everyone has the time and resources to visit a gym on a regular basis. You need to think out of the box if you do want to keep your body fit. It is important for you to start a proper fitness program at home so that you can conveniently work out. The article discussed below will tell you more about beginning a fitness program at home. You must pay proper attention towards the article given below.
Have a closer look at the key instructions given below that will help you in starting a fitness program at home.
1. Talk to your physician directly if you want to start a fitness regime which helps you keep your body fit. Get some advice on the right program which should be selected. Consider choosing various cardiovascular exercises that could help you in losing excess amount of fat. Ask him to do a complete body checkup on you so that you get to know more about your heart rate and other health conditions.
2. Now, you must think about the different cardio options available with you. If possible, you should try and arrange a treadmill. Consider biking if you do have weaker knees. It would allow you to burn more and more calories in the shortest possible time. Biking will also reduce the overall impact of exercising on your body. Try and ride the bike for at least 30 minutes daily so that you can lose some quick weight and keep your body intact for a long period of time.
3. Decide what kind of strength training you're planning to go for. You will have to create some proper strategies so that you can easily practice strength training in the right manner. Search the internet for some of the ready-made fitness programs so that you can generate some fine results on the go. You must ensure that you work out your abs properly.
4. Expand the program regularly so that you can improve the results over a consistent period of time. Work hard to build some intense muscles at home. You could consider purchasing a skipping rope and a chest expander for working on your entire body. It will also help you in gaining some flexibility and strength over a period of time.
5. At last, you got to fully commit to your fitness schedule at home so that you can get completely fit.
These are some of the key instructions that could help you in starting a fitness program at home.
Are you looking for some ways to improve your fitness at home? If yes, then you can visit the website today.

Life in 2015 and Beyond (Part 1)

My crystal ball says:
Gas prices - rise. I know we have had declining prices at the pump lately and I enjoy it but I don't think it can last. Oil wells take hundreds of years to replenish and demand is increasing fast in countries with huge populations. More and more competition for refined oil products plus higher and higher production costs as we shift to shale will raise prices. Higher prices make it more expensive to truck the stuff to the gas stations. In my lifetime a gallon of gas has gone from fifteen cents to three or four dollars. I won't go into shock about any future price.

Automobile business - drops. Until we get unhooked from gasoline car sales will probably decline. Electric or other alternative energy cars are not yet ready to satisfy the driving habits of today. As gas prices rise trends will be more public transportation use, more central city dwelling with no real need for a car, more working from home, fewer driving vacations. Fewer and smaller cars will produce less profit. Some manufacturers and dealers will go under.

Airlines - decline. The recent trends should continue. Airline traffic fell three or four percent in 2014 while bus travel increased steadily. Bus companies are adding routes, airlines are subtracting them. The inside of a bus is not seriously different from an airplane and is cheaper to use. No long security lines or examination of what you carry. Open seating, more relaxed atmosphere. Bus company growth is driven by younger people not so much married to cars and airplanes and by our growing low income population segment. Trading speed for affordable is a good option.

TV and internet shopping - grows. As we get more and more used to electronic shopping and the experience gets easier it becomes routine. Products can be sold cheaper with the same or better profit margins. For future generations shopping in stores will more novelty than way of life. As always, businesses will adjust or perish.

Bank branches - down. We need them less. We are already banking and paying bills online and banks love it. Automated service costs less. Cash physically changing hands happens less and less. Half or more of business receipts are on credit or debit cards. Much of our income is direct deposit. We can negotiate, borrow, move money around, handle most simple transactions electronically. Some banks are charging for counter service.

Big box stores - down. The cost of staffing, maintaining and supplying big retail sales buildings and parking lots seven days per week will drive more of them under. People will still enjoy the instant gratification of seeing, handling and owning the merchandise but in less profitable numbers. Some combination of electronic and physical shopping will survive but the trend will be down.

Small neighborhood stores - up. Mom and pop businesses within walking distance don't need thousands of customers each day, 24/7 coverage or big overhead and we get to deal with someone we know. As less driving is done the convenience offsets higher prices. During world war two big companies were manufacturing mostly war materials. Cars, gas and tires were scarce and a variety of small neighborhood shops did fine. We could have something like that again but hopefully without the war.

Health care - up and down. I felt that our system was unsustainable fifty years ago. Costs rose dramatically year after year and nobody cared. Employers provided free family coverage and simply added it to the price of products and services. Employees paid little or nothing for whatever health care they wanted. Physicians and hospitals charged whatever they pleased and the insurance companies simply raised the employer premiums.
The unemployed used hospital emergency rooms, could not be turned away, and paid nothing. It has now reached the tipping point. In a global market our employers can not compete with overseas manufacturers who can make and ship the products here for half as much. Employers are scheduling part time hours to avoid health insurance for as many as possible. Our population growth has slowed, people live longer, the average age is higher and in need of more medications and treatment. More and more of those services go unpaid. Hospitals are cutting staff and maintenance to a minimum or closing. Health care workers are wearing out, overworked, leaving the field. The up part is we will reach a sustainable level, the down part is the pain and suffering of getting there.

More later...
Ken Lind. Husband, father, grandfather, veteran, marketing management major, corporate management and sales schools, award winning salesman, manager, business owner, toastmasters president, business club officer and board member, writer, author, insatiably curious.
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Losing Weight From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Being overweight is not a problem to many people, but for me it was and always will be a stumbling block.
One of my first memories was friends calling me "Fatty Boom Sticks." That song was sung to me a few times by family members too. The line "sweet sugar dumpling" made me feel even worse. I was the middle child, with a slim trim older brother and a blond, bikini wearing, sexy, younger sister. Then there was me! I had the long brown hair, plump cheeks, with a very overweight body and a very good sense of humor. This was pretty much my life. Oh, I had many friends (but with a personality and sense of humor of note, who wouldn't?) My sister had the boyfriends, received the Valentine's Day gifts and secret love letters. I was the friend, the matchmaker and the shoulder to cry on.
I would smile at the world, pretend it didn't hurt, while trying every diet that was available. From counting calories, weighing food, to cabbage soup, all was tried. The only result achieved, was hunger pains, which led to cheating and evidently the feeling of guilt. Let me not forget to mention the additional weight gain too.
After getting married and having children, it was time to head to the local gymnasium. There are only so many years that one could attribute weight gain to pregnancy. After all, my children were 18 and 15 years old! Shedding this "baby fat" was a now or never challenge.
I was motivated and excited. I had 6 months to lose this weight and strut on the beach clad only in a bikini. Hubby and I could perhaps renew our wedding vows in the Seychelles. That would be a good enough reason to show off my new and improved body. My mind was made up. Nothing would stop me from attaining my goal.
It was a Sunday night, the night before my first gymnasium session. I had my special diet food, which no one could touch. The second shelf in the fridge belonged to mom only. My water bottles (yes, bottles) got filled, the alarm clock was set for 6am and I had just finished reading "A Romantic Honeymoon in Seychelles". I was set for success!!!
Surely, it wasn't 6am already. I was aware that it was winter, but it was still pitch dark? It was raining too? It couldn't be, not with it being my first day at the gymnasium. I got up, peered out the window just to make sure. I felt my enthusiasm waning, my excitement leaving and my motivation had dissipated.
My mind was already reasoning the situation. Why was it so difficult for overweight people? Why did it involve leaving one's home in the inclement weather and going to a gymnasium to exercise? Surely there was a way where the success could still be achieved right at home.
Wouldn't success be more attainable with a step to step guide to healthy eating and by exercising at home? Fuel would be saved by not having to drive around and I would not be responsible for any gas emissions resulting in an eco- friendly environment too, with no gymnasium fees.
My new challenge was to move my exercise regime to home. That was easier, attainable and more manageable.
Flights got booked, bikini was bought and I was more excited and motivated than ever to begin my fitness and weight loss program right at home.
I used to struggle with a weight problem. Start this home fitness program at home and see the immediate difference. Your fat will disappear as you become more fit and there will be no more excuses when it comes to exercising.
It is so exciting to be able to offer you this program that won't take you out the comfort of your home.
For more information, please email me at and I will gladly assist you.
Look stunning and feel great!

Darkness Makes You Drink More Alcohol

Before the sun cancer scare of the 1970's and 80's, people spent a fair amount of time outside. Fresh air and sunlight was considered important to physical and mental health. At the time of this writing, public schools have reduced Physical Education and recess times. Children are often driven to school and spend hours plugged behind computers. Much the same can be said about teenagers and adults. If a person is a shift worker, there is even less natural light in their life and more disruption of their natural 24 hour cycle.

It is interesting to note that there are not many day time drinkers. That maybe due to regular working hours, but most social drinking is done in the evening and dark areas. Interestingly, this dark-hour drinking appears to have a biological side to it.

One experiment, involving changes of light, was conducted to determine the effects of stress on the drinking habits of rats. This experiment, conducted by the Department of Experimental Pharmacology at the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, found the following: "The rats clearly preferred plain water except on weekends when they went on real alcoholic binges. This was perplexing at first but it was noted that the automatic time switch on the lights was out of order and the rats were being left in continuous darkness over weekends. Another second study kept a group of laboratory rats in total darkness without subjecting them to any anxiety stress. Their preference switched to alcohol and water instead of plain water. "

In Science, July 30, 1973, Dr. Irving Geller, Chairman of the Department, refers to this as 'darkness-induced drinking phenomenon.' He relates it to the work reported in 1963 by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Julius Axelrod, who found that the rat pineal gland produced more melatonin during the dark nighttime period than when it was light.

Dr. Geller then gave injections of pineal melatonin to rats kept on a regular light-dark cycle and not subjected to any anxiety. The injections alone turned these rats into alcoholics. Dr. Geller stated that "it is only through such animal studies that one can hope to attain a clearer understanding and perhaps an ultimate treatment or cure, or both, for alcoholism in humans."

There also appears to be a small percentage of the drinking population who tend to drink more in the lesser light seasons of the Autumn and Winter. This is something to consider for people who find themselves feeling tired and depressed during these months. I know that I felt tired during the winter months in the prairies as I was often inside for most of the days and seeing less than an hour of sunlight a day.

If you are light cycle sensitive and/or a shift worker, you might consider spending time in a tanning booth. I found that this energized my body and made me feel much better when working grave yard shifts. You might even get an immune boost from the extra Vitamin D.

Doug Setter, BSc. is the author of Reduce Your Alcohol Craving, Stomach Flattening and One Less Victim. He studied Foods and Nutrition at the University of Manitoba. Read more of his articles at
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5 Typical Mistakes Made When Trying To Lose Unwanted Belly Fat

Why is it that when you are trying to lose belly fat it seems the hardest thing to do? While the other fat on your body is hard enough to burn off, the last fat to leave us is that which covers our abdominal muscles. So, if you are trying to get in shape and be more healthy, where do people go wrong when they are trying to lose belly fat?

1. Thinking That Crunches Will Burn Belly Fat.
Doing loads of crunches and sit-ups will not burn belly fat. These exercises work and tone your abdominal muscles, but you need to burn off the fat that covers those muscles first. There are some great exercises that do burn belly fat, like resistance and cardio training. You also need to control the amount of calories that you eat each day.

2. Eating What And When You Want Because You Exercise Regularly.
You can exercise as hard as you want, but if those calories that you've burned are being replaced with unhealthy foods, chemicals and extra fats, it is very unlikely that you will reach your fat loss goal. Remember that even if you do exercise regularly, it does not mean that you will not lose belly fat if you are eating to many of the wrong foods.

3. Not Including Resistance Training In Your Workout.
You need to include resistance training, or weightlifting, into your workout routine if you want to lose belly fat. The reason is that muscles burn more calories, even while they are resting. Resistance training allows you to build strength, tone muscle and it will not turn you into a bulky bodybuilder. A body builder's big muscles are the result of a very specific and hard exercise program, often combined with muscle boosting supplements.

4. Only Doing Long Cardio Sessions.
If you just spend hours on the treadmill or stationery bike at the same pace, it is not going help you get those flat abs muscles showing through. You do need to include some cardiovascular activity to increase your heart rate, condition your lungs, and burn fat but to get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, use interval training. This is where you alternate between high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

5. Not Making Any Changes To Your Lifestyle.
You have to commit to changing your lifestyle to improve your nutrition and fitness. If you always feel that you are on a diet and doing exercise that you don't like, it will be very difficult to shed that unwanted fat around your midsection. There are loads of healthy and nutritious foods out there that you probably have never tried and lots of different types of exercise that you will enjoy doing it you make the effort to try some out.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.
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Top 15 Weight Loss Myths

There are many common weight loss myths that people live by when it comes to their health. It is difficult at times to separate the weight loss myths and fact from what is true. Many sound true while others are just laughable. I once read somewhere that if you drink water at night that you are going to gain weight or that if you scratch your head too often you are going to lose your hair....

Weight Loss Myth # 1
The more weight that I have to lose the more intense my exercise routine should be
Weight Loss Truth: Although having an intense workout routine is great, there are a few things you should consider: the first being that everyone is at a different level when it comes to their fitness and how much intensity they can actually handle. If you have been physically inactive for a number of years, an intense work out for you might be, walking half a mile a day. After you walk that half mile you notice that you are sweating bullets and that you are tired. However, for someone who has been physically active for many years, walking half a mile can be done without a sweat. Everyone has a different definition of what "intense" is.

If intense for you is working out for an hour a day, but due to life's busy schedule you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then those 20 minutes will go an extremely long way. It might not necessarily be classified as "intense", according to your definition, but those little cardio moments will have positive health altering effects.

Fat Loss Myth # 2
Stress and weight gain do not go hand in hand
Weight Loss Fact: This is one of those "laughable" myths. To learn more how stress is adding lbs. to your life please download my free E-Book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"

Weight Loss Myth # 3
I can lose weight while eating whatever I want
Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.

This is one of the most common weight loss myths out there. It is illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mainly of twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not disciplined enough to stick to a workout routine. I do know a few people who, from the outside, look like they are in good shape, because they are not "fat, but who have high cholesterol.

Just because I feel sorry for crushing the hearts of so many twinkie lovers out there, I would say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers.... All of those "soul satisfying foods", but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.

Fat Loss Myth # 4
Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight
Weight Loss Fact: There are numerous studies that show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be a lot heavier than who have a healthy nutritional breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals during the day. The reason to this might be the fact that they get hungrier later on in the day, and might have a tendency to over eat during other meals of the day.

Weight Loss Myth # 5
I will not lose weight while eating at night
Weight Loss Truth: You can over indulge in food during the day and not eat a single thing at night and you WILL gain weight. As is the fact that you can starve yourself during the day and eat all night long and you still will gain weight. The key here is balance. If your body is telling you that it is hungry then perhaps you should listen to it.
The truth is, that over eating, while not exercising, will cause you to gain weight; no matter what time of the day that you eat. Whenever I am hungry at night, as is my habit with other meals during the day, I try to select something that is natural in nature.
Something like fruits, vegetables, or I might even make myself a fruit smoothie. During those moments that I am craving ice cream or something sweet, I allow myself to get some, and DO NOT feel guilty about it. Many people who are overweight live their life in guilt and shame. I allow myself to get some, however, WITH MODERATION.

Fat Loss Myth # 6
I'm not acceptable until I lose weight
Weight Loss Fact: The person who doesn't feel acceptable because they are fat is because they are not acceptable to themselves first. The way that you think others view you is based on your view of yourself. I honestly believe that one must become emotionally fit before becoming physically fit. I have gone through these self-limiting emotions before. Once I realized that I was ALREADY ENOUGH in the eyes of God and that I had no need to prove myself to anyone or to receive external validation for my self-worth, that made all the difference for me. Once you accept yourself as who you are RIGHT NOW and realize that you are already enough in the eyes of God, you will not feel like you are not acceptable because of your weight.

Weight Loss Myth # 7
I need to cut calories to lose weight faster
Weight Loss Truth: Cutting your calories down might be a great thing, if you are drastically overeating and stuffing your face. However, if you are eating proportionally then cutting calories might have an aversive affect. If you are cutting calories and are starving your body, then that will lower your metabolism, or in other words slow it down, which may result in you actually not losing any weight at all, even if you are "cutting calories"

Fat Loss Myth # 8
Skipping meals will help me lose weight
Weight Loss Fact: Skipping meals may actually cause you to gain weight! You will become too hungry and will eventually have to eat. This will knock your metabolism off track and will eventually slow it down. Think of a car running low on gas (food), if you do not fill it up, it will eventually stop working. Same goes for our body, we need to keep it fueled constantly.

Weight Loss Myth # 9
I think I have genetic weight gain, it runs in my family!
Weight Loss Truth: Can someone say E-X-C-U-S-E-S? I will not deny that there might be tendencies for heavy parents to raise heavy children who will remain heavy their whole lives, but I don't believe that there is actually a "fat" gene or DNA out there. What we do inherit from our family, primarily those who directly raised us, are our views and beliefs.
Your views about food, money, religion, politics, education, etc. are based upon how you were raised. If you were raised in a home where the primary meals cooked where fried foods, then you might have a tendency to continue cooking and eating fried foods throughout your life. If that is the case then you might be a little heavy around the waist. The easy thing to do is to blame it on those who were in charge of your upbringing, however, you ALWAYS have a choice to change.

Fat Loss Myth # 10
Eating healthy is too hard
Weight Loss Fact: Eating healthy is the simplest thing in the world.....once you have trained yourself to do it. How many times have you placed a goal to lose weight or to "eat better"? The first few days you are doing great, eating all kinds of foods which you normally wouldn't eat. Then something funny started to happen, you went back to your old habits and behaviors. This has happened to you in other areas outside of your health. It could be with making money, looking for a new job, or in your relationships. Creating a new habit takes time because our brain's do not like change. Change to the brain is dangerous. Anyways, if you would like to learn more about how our brain attempts to sabotage us from creating new habits then please download my free E-book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"

Weight Loss Myth # 11
You have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight
Weight Loss Truth: What would a world without chocolate and without pepperoni pizza be like??? I think it would be a torturous world to live in!! lol, now on a real note I completely disagree with this myth. You are definitely able to eat your favorite foods. Depriving yourself of this kind of pleasure is not fun, and quite frankly you probably WILL eat it anyways.

As has been mentioned before, the real key is moderation. If you are a steak lover, then perhaps it might not be the best things to eat it every single day, but perhaps once or twice a week. Those who know me personally know that I LOOOOOOOOVE chicken wings with pizza. In a perfect world where I wouldn't gain any weight and my arteries were clog-less, I would love to eat it several times per week, well more like every day. However, I know that those aren't the healthiest of food choices so I have it about 2-3 times per month. I am not giving up my favorite foods, I am just eating it in moderation so that it doesn't catch up to me in the form of excess weight.

Fat Loss Myth # 12
Overeating is caused by hunger
Weight Loss Fact: Nice try there. If only we could blame "hunger" for it. In fact, this person we call hunger has nothing to do with you OVEREATING. It might have something to do your body telling you that it is time to "fuel up" and that it needs food, but that is not an indication that one should overeat. What causes many people to overeat are different reasons. One of the main ones is feeling of stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety, fear, and other down grading emotions of that nature.

Many times food can be a means of satisfying your needs. You might be actually getting your needs met through your foods. For example, if you live a lonely life, and aren't very happy, then food could perhaps be a means of you feeling happy and comforted. There are other articles that I have written on this subject but suffice it to say that overeating is NOT cause by being hungry.

Weight Loss Myth # 13
Only drastic diets work
Weight Loss Truth: There goes that word again...DIEt....those "drastic diets" are only good for quick weight loss and rapid weight gain once you get of it. These drastic diets range from the "cookie diet", lol.... All that way to "the water only diet"..... I am sure you can lose weight while on these DIEts, however the weight will be gained right back and usually with some added weight as a bonus

Fat Loss Myth # 14
I am too fat and too far down the road to begin
Weight Loss Fact: A long journey begins one step at a time. It is natural to expect instantaneous results and to even fear the road ahead of you; especially if you are extremely overweight. The secret here is to make SMALL incremental changes. Don't expect perfection because that will lead you to disappointment. You are never too far down the road to where you cannot see the sun's light......

Weight Loss Myth # 15
I can't do it, I have tried many times and have failed
Weight Loss Truth: The great Henry Ford once said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't- you're right.'"......It is 90% mindset, and 10% actually getting off your butt and doing something about it. You fall down, you get back up.... you fall down again, you get back up again. If you have tried to lose weight in the past then it is time to keep trying. Discouragment is to losing weight as is a piece of fried chicken to a vegetarian......they DO NOT go hand in hand.

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