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Top 5 Characteristics of a Good Weight Loss Plan

A great weight loss plan strikes a good balance between a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. It sounds so simple in theory, yet most of us who want to lose weight find it hard to stick to this philosophy alone. What's worse is that we have read a tumultuous amount of literature regarding the "proper" or the "best" way to lose weight, and, somehow, we end up confusing ourselves even more.

When you make a commitment to lose weight, you have to make sure that you're choosing a healthy weight loss plan. You may ask how can you ensure that the weight loss plan you're about to make is the right one that will work for you. Well, simply put, it is all about watching what you eat and making sure you are engaged in an active sports or exercise program. For people who are bordering to obesity, it is best to consult a health fitness coach or a nutritionist to ensure that you get professional advice on the best weight loss plan that will suit your needs and lifestyle. However, for people who have gained a bit of weight and are wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, here are the top five characteristics of what constitutes a truly healthy weight loss plan.

1. Proper Nutrition Over Single-Item Diets
There is no short cut to healthy eating. For your benefit, simply avoid any weight loss plan that urges you to eat only one food item. Most people are under the impression that if we eat only foods that will increase fiber or protein intake, we're good to go. It is worth emphasizing that healthy weight loss means eating a well-balanced diet from all food groups. Starving and food deprivation will definitely crash your system in the long run. You may lose weight temporarily but this will only encourage an unhealthy relationship with food. The key thing to remember is moderation.

2. Calorie-Conscious Diet Plan
Being mindful of what you eat is the first step to healthy eating. The best way to do this is to follow a plan that allows you to track your calorie intake. Being aware of how much calories you take in is an essential part of losing weight. A lot of us find it tedious to count calories. However, a healthy weight loss plan ensures that you get just the right amount of calories your body needs to burn energy. There is no need to eliminate caloric foods in your diet. Just choose a diet program that makes it convenient for you to calculate the number of calories you need to lose a certain amount of weight. Reading food labels is a good start.

3. Portion Management, Water Intake, and Weight Loss
Aside from calories, a good weight loss plan should encourage you to cultivate portion control. Again, there is no need to deprive yourself of food. A good weight loss plan allows you to exercise your inner discipline to consciously eat in moderation and in reasonable amounts to keep you satisfied and healthy at the same time. In addition, proper hydration is a key factor in healthy weight management. Most of us take water for granted. We don't drink enough water during the day. Worse, we forget how important water is in healthy living. Proper hydration plays a major role in detoxification. Drinking 8 or more glasses a day washes away all the toxins, wastes, and even excess water weight, making you feel light, healthy, and fit. It's even a good technique for enhancing satiety when eating.

4. Workout Program
A good weight loss plan should involve a regular exercise program. Regardless of what type of sports or exercise you wish to participate in, being active is a major requirement for losing weight the healthy way. Make sure you engage in a gradual change. Nothing too intense at first, and then slowly increase the intensity to ensure proper body conditioning. A lot of people who have gained weight have lived sedentary lifestyles for a long time, so it's important to get active slowly but surely to avoid injury and to ensure long-term success. You should start gradually, say 20 minutes a day. You can start by simply taking a walk or a jog around the park. Overtime, you can then increase the intensity and duration of your exercise program to avoid exercise rut and to keep the challenge. Just like a well-balanced diet, there is no short cut to losing excess fat than moving your body. A workout program is also a great way to enhance your mood and self-esteem in the long run.

5. A Weight Loss Plan That Suits Your Lifestyle
Losing weight the healthy way is basically a big lifestyle overhaul. You don't have to be fazed by this long-term goal. Choosing a healthy weight loss plan should require an assessment of the lifestyle that you currently have. To ensure that you can stick to your weight loss goals, plan a weight loss regimen that allows you to still live the way you want to without compromising your health and your happiness. If you are a career-driven individual who is always on the go, choose a weight management plan that doesn't require 24/7 of your time. Better yet, find inspiration in the current lifestyle that you have and extend it to your healthy living goals. Busy people can stick to an afternoon or weekend schedule for their exercise regimen. Eating healthy food when you're always on the go requires a bit of meal planning and time management. There is always a way to adapt a good weight loss plan regardless of your career or family demands. You just have to manage your time well, and be committed to making healthy choices.

Kate Trillin is a freelance writer who specializes in proper nutrition, healthy weight loss plan, and healthy living. She has been an avid health enthusiast for the past 5 years, and has recently ventured into the world of online publishing in an effort to reach a wider audience. Her writing focuses on providing tips and useful information on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. You can read more healthy weight loss plan [] articles from her blog at
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Features of a Good Weight Loss Program

Matters of losing weight have continued to affect a great fraction of the human population. This is because excessive weight is associated with a lot of disadvantages. For example, both recent and old research results have shown that having excessive fats in the body can lead to a variety of life threatening medical conditions such as cardiac artery thrombosis and heart attacks. This explains why most people are chasing after weight loss diets.

Notwithstanding the high demand for high quality weight loss diets, it is not easy to come across a reliable fat loss diet. This article will highlight the major features of a good fat loss program.

Diet Depends on the Food Combination:

One of the most notable features of a reliable fat loss diet is the combination of the food. This is very important because it can have a huge bearing on the amount of fat you can lose within a specific period of time. A good food combination is one which carters for all the needs of the body. This means that the diets must have enough carbohydrates for energy purposes, enough proteins for the repair of worn out tissues and general growth and enough fats for the lubrication of joints and body insulation. However, the diets should not have too much fat and sugars because such foods have the ability to contribute to further weight gain.

Good Diets Must be Designed by Professional Dieticians:

Good diets for weight loss must be designed by highly qualified dieticians. It is important to understand that the food you will be eating will have a notable impact on your overall health. If you want to remain healthy after following a certain program for losing weight, you have to go for weight loss programs that have been designed by highly qualified dieticians or medical practitioners. This will save you from being a victim of medical conditions related to following a particular fat loss program. It is often advisable to know if the credentials of the designer behind a particular fat loss program are reliable or not.

Physical Exercises are Indispensable:

Another important feature that is worth looking out for is the presence of physical exercises. Usually, people overlook the vitality of including physical exercises in their fat loss program. But, you cannot rely on the effects of eating certain foods alone. You need to include physical exercises to enable you to burn some excess fats from your body. It is usually advisable to ensure that your program for losing weight does not cause you to lose more weight than you had desired. You can easily manage to lose the amount of fat you had desired if you combine physical exercises with a balanced diet. For a person who has excess body fats, this refers to a combination of foods which contain the least amount of fats.

Good Diets are Specific:

Good programs for fat loss are usually specific. This means that the fat loss program must be meant for a certain group of people. It must be easy for you or any other person to know whether that program is meant for you or not.
For more information over weight loss, please Visit Us!
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How to Start - Female Bodybuilding Fitness

Female bodybuilding fitness can be daunting for the beginner. Where to start? How to learn muscle building quickly and effectively? How not to waste time getting no results? Here are some excellent basics you need to learn about female bodybuilding fitness which should propel you to seeing the results you want to see quickly and effectively.

1. Weightlifting.
Obviously to build your muscles quickly, lifting weights is going to be what gets the job done. Don't be intimidated by weightlifting! It is very straight forward and you can catch on how to train properly very quickly if you follow the right advice and routine. Basically you have a bunch of different muscles you will be training. You will split those muscle groups up into different days (one day you will train your chest, your triceps, and your shoulders for instance. This is just an example of a common split.) And then another day you will train a different set of muscles. Once you have it all on paper, know your routine, then you can pick up the weights and go at it.

2. Eating.
What many newcomers don't realize is just how important eating is to female bodybuilding fitness. It's not about "dieting", more than it's about eating the right foods at the right times throughout the day. Eating properly (the right amount of protein/carbs/and fats throughout the day) will make the difference between barely average results to outstanding results. Once again, eating is not hard to figure out once you have a good plan in front of you.

3. The Routine.
To see results quickly and not waste time with your training, a good routine is essential. A routine will consist of a workout program and eating recommendations. The workout program will consist of a body part split to follow and the proper number of sets and reps. An eating program will consist of the right portion and combination of food to eat to put on muscle while getting lean.
Want to see an awesome Female Bodybuilding Fitness routine? Check it out at
You'll get results quickly on this great female bodybuilding fitness routine -
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Healthy Foods

Whole foods have many benefits over processed foods. Processed foods are typically loaded with artificial additives, sugar and salt. In addition, the processing usually strips them of many of the vitamins and minerals essential for good health.

Avoid: White Pasta
Choose: Brown pasta, wholegrain pasta, wheat free pasta, gluten free pasta.

Avoid: White flour and bread
Choose: Whole meal bread and flour, oatcakes, rice cakes, pumpernickel.

Avoid: White rice
Choose: Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, bulgur wheat, couscous, oats.

Avoid: Sugar sweets, cakes, biscuits.
Choose: Fruit - either natural or dried.

All processed meals should be avoided. Instead, cook meals using fresh natural ingredients (organic where possible).

Eating dairy is positively implicated in weight loss. In addition, dairy has been shown to help remove fat from your digestive system. However, many dairy foods are also high in fat - the key is therefore to choose low fat dairy products. Good choices include skimmed (non-fat) milk, low fat cheese, live organic yogurt, soya cheese, and tofu. Watch out also for high sugar levels in most brand named yogurts.

It has been known that a high consumption of red meat has been linked to various diseases, and many cuts are also high in saturated fat. It is therefore important to limit your intake of red meat. However, fresh fish contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which have been shown to protect against many diseases, including heart disease. You should integrate white meats and fish, especially herrings, mackerel, salmon and sardines into your diet as best you can.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are low in calories and high in fibre, vitamins, minerals and water, and should therefore form a large part of your diet. In addition, raw foods have been shown to improve energy, vitality and well being.

These are required by the body for optimum health. They are found in cold pressed oils, (safflower, walnut, olive and sunflower), nuts, seeds, avocados and fish oils. It is recommended that you avoid processed oils and margarine, especially hydrogenated oils.
See my article on "Good Fats and Bad Fats" for more information.

Maintaining a good level of hydration is vital. The best choice is water, mineral water, herbal teas, and diluted fruit juices. Popular drinks such as tea, coffee and soda all contain additives such as sugar and caffeine and are best used in moderation.

At My Virtual Trainer you get more than an online gym and health advice, it's totally different. This website keeps you motivated, gets you fit, so you see results fast and achieve your fitness goals. Visit for a FREE workout and a one week Trial. All this and more information on top trade secret training tips for losing weight, toning muscles & getting fit.
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Can Sleep Contribute to Weight Loss?

Sleep is essential for weight loss and our overall health and well-being. Sleep will rejuvenate our immune system, nervous system and the entire physical body. It also assists the repair and growth of our muscles and other cells of the body. During this period of rest, the human consciousness is absent.

It's really important that we get a good night sleep every night. This fact holds true if we exercise daily or not.

I believe that we need a minimum of at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. If one fails to have sufficient sleep every night then both the body and the mind are bound to be affected in a negative way.

Over a period of time that a person does not get the sleep he or she needs, they start to accumulate what is sometimes called sleep debt. Sleep debt is also known as sleep deprivation.
Sleep debt is the result of lacking sleep for a long period of time and eventually the person becomes more tired than normal on a daily basis. Symptoms from depriving one's own self of sleep show both mentally and physically.

Some of the mental symptoms include; irritability, moodiness, inaccurate thinking, confusion, hallucination, memory loss, inability to concentrate, increased tendency to think negatively.
Physical symptoms may show themselves as; headaches, hand tremors, muscle aches and pain, developed bags under the eyes, yawning, weight gain, weight loss, increased sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, increased blood pressure, increased stress.

The above is not a list of all the symptoms from the lack of sleep, but they are plenty. Depriving your self of sleep means to increase your stress level both mentally and physically. And stress in general is not good for a person wanting to lose some extra baggage.

When you sleep, it is important to be comfortable. If you have to, keep any television or noise maker (technology) out of the bedroom as it can have an effect on your sleep. Sleep in a quiet room with the lights out. Any distraction can pull your mind away from proper rest.

Sleep and Metabolism
Your metabolism does not stop when you sleep. In fact, it slows down slightly but remains active to process any food in your system. There is an old adage that says "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy."

It's true. To keep a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically, you also require relaxation. Relaxation is not just about sleeping or taking time to sit down and relax but to do something you enjoy.

Be it a hobby like building model airplanes or reading a book to your liking. Relaxation is much like sleep in the fact that it helps rejuvenate your overall wellbeing.

Waking up, eating, going to work and then taking time for exercise should be followed by play and relaxation - every day.

It's insufficient to give yourself the excuse that you "don't have the time" or "I can't do it".
Not too much and not too little, but just enough.

Find a good balance of sleep and relaxation. The following are 4 questions you should give some serious thought to:
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • Do you enjoy reading and/or writing?
  • Do you enjoy playing a musical instrument?
  • Do you want to start a business?
Whatever it is, make time for it.
Another way to experience relaxation is to sit down in a comfortable chair, where you won't be disturbed, and sit in silence. Some call it meditation and others call it a few minutes of peace.
Give your mind a rest and your body will rest, too! Take this time to sit down or lie down and just keep a clear mind. Hold no thought of what you have to do later or the next day or week; just clear your mind away from all the hustle and bustle of the outside world and breathe.

I've recently posted a new piece on my blog about the McDonalds binge I went on. Follow the link and find out how I actually lost weight by eating fast food:
Also, for a jump start weight loss guide:
To Your Health and Well-Being.
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Show Me How to Lose Weight Fast!

Want to lose that weight super fast and be super slim by the weekend? Well .. while I can show you a great plan for losing weight that will shift those pounds in record time first you need to be realistic about what 'fast' weight loss really means. Forget any expectations that you are going to drop 'Biggest Loser' numbers, fast weight loss really is only around 2 pounds per week. Anything more than that and (1) it won't be sustainable and (2) it's likely to be unhealthy. So if you are happy to learn how to lose around 2 pounds a week, read on.

OK so first thing you need to work out is how much weight overall you would like to lose. That way you'll have a realistic expectation of how long it will likely take you. So if you want to lose 10 pounds you are looking at around 5 weeks. If you have more to lose and want to lose around 80 pounds then you are looking at 40 weeks (or just over 9 months). Having realistic expectations will help you stick to your plan as you won't be discouraged week to week - you'll be able to see the bigger picture.

Ready to get into the plan now? Great, here we go:

(1) Cut out any drinks with calories
Most people are surprised just how many calories a day they drink and just by cutting out anything that contains calories such as alcoholic beverages, sugar in tea or coffee, soda, fruit juices or flavored waters it can make a massive difference. That really just leaves water, unsweetened coffee or tea and diet sodas to drink (although water is your best and healthiest choice). If you don't like the taste of water on its own, a splash of lemon juice will give it some flavor. Also make sure you spread out your daily intake of water over the course of the whole day and don't try and drink it in the one sitting.

(2) Know your daily calorie limit
The amount of calories you need to eat per day varies from person to person and takes into account your current weight, height and sex but generally a good diet for losing weight is around 1500 calories per day (adjust this to suit your level). Even if you are tempted to take in fewer calories, be aware than you may be sabotaging your metabolism which will make it harder to lose weight so try and stick with your allotted 1500.

(3) Snack on no or low calorie snacks
If you are hungry between meals then foods that fill you up but contain no or few calories are your best bet. One of the best snacks you can have is vegetable soup in a clear or tomato-based broth. It will fill you up very quickly, it contains lots of vitamins and minerals for your health, and because it contains little to no fat - it's the perfect choice for dieters.

(4) Avoid high starch vegetables
When choosing your vegetables make sure you go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery and other greens and avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. If you have a sweet tooth fruits such as oranges and strawberries are your best bet.

It's also a good idea to take a multivitamin when you are on a diet to make sure you are getting your recommended daily allowance. These tips will help you to lose weight super fast and you'll be well on your way to a super slim sexy you in no time.

There's no reason why you should be embarrassed about your weight any longer. Visit [] if you are ready to learn more about losing weight. Download the free guide [] "10 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds" and join others just like you who have already lost weight.
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Laxatives to Lose Weight

If you need to lose weight laxatives can be a great alternative, it's relatively inexpensive and works. So many have so many different opinions about losing weight by taking laxatives, I however when I was in the Army decided to use this approach.

It worked for me and I will share with you how I did it. The first thing I did before PT was take a laxative, then we would exercise and then I would eat breakfast I then took another one for lunch and then with my evening meal.

So here are some simple instructions that you can use and you may possible have to tweak it to get it customized to fit your lifestyle or needs. If you upon awakening take a laxative then have your normal meal, you will see the weight start to roll off. In order for the laxatives to work, you must devise a plan. For instance you should at least take a laxative before every meal, so if you eat three times a day then take a laxative before each of the meals that you take, that way everything you eat will be released.

You have to be sure to drink a lot of water because the bowel movements may be loose and cause you to lose body hydration.

The key is to be able to take the laxatives in a safe way and be able to lose weight and maintain your body's elasticity so that it's not depleted of its natural water sources. Another way that you can use laxatives to lose weight is to simply take one in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed. If you choose to do it this way then you need to make sure that you are prepared to be awakened in the nighttime. The main thing to know when taking a laxative to lose weight is to be sure that you have something in your system; no matter how little it is, just have something that can come out.

Now if you have suffered from constipation or have irregular bowels then, there will be no need to eat full meals, because you have accumulated waste still in your body that can be flushed with a laxative. Basically all that happens when you take laxative to lose weight is that the laxative flushes out what is left in your stomach, then goes through the intestines and gets the left overs. Now a laxative may not completely flush the lower intestine, but it will clean out enough to make your stomach flattened and the weight will come off.

So if you decide that this is the way that you want to take to lose weight then be sure that you have devised a plan, and are near a restroom, because this will make you not only lose weight but you will use the restroom too. In order to take laxatives in a healthy way it is important that they are taken in conjunction with supplements that restore important anti-oxidants to the body. Hoodia supplements help with improving the metabolic rate at which the body burns calories and restores important vitamins to the body in a healthy way. You can start losing weight with laxatives by following the Master Cleanse Diet Instructions
David Millers reviews laxatives and recommends that they be used with healthy anti-oxidant supplements from the Master Cleanse Diet
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How to Lose Water Weight - 5 Tips

Retaining excess water can make you feel bloated. It can also make your wrists, ankles, hands and feet swell and your face look puffy.
Sure, you have probably learned that the best way to lose water weight is actually to drink more water. This is absolutely true. In fact, water weight is usually a sign that your body is "scared" to lose any more water and as a countermeasure is retaining it like a camel. The thing is, you are not a camel!
Here are 5 tips for fine-tuning your water weight loss plan:
Tip #1: Get a 32 oz. or 64 oz. refillable container: You can find these little babies for very cheap at almost any discount or sporting goods store and they come in all kinds of cool designs. Buy them not for their cool designs, however, but rather for their amazing capacity: you can really put a lot of water into these things. And, unlike a conventional cup, their portable design encourages you to carry them wherever you go. If you drink just 1 - 2 of these mega-containers' worth of water each day, your body will start shedding the excess water that it has been holding onto for dear life for so long.
Tip #2: Add a little lemon or lime: To your mega-container, add a squeeze or two of lemon or lime. These citrus fruits act as natural diuretics, and their refreshing taste makes the water go down that much easier.
Tip #3: Eat lower sodium foods: Sodium and water weight go hand-in-hand. When you drink more water, your body is freed to release some of its sodium stores. Conversely, when you switch to a lower sodium diet, your body will tend to store less excess water. Bonus tip: cutting down on diet sodas will cut your sodium intake significantly.
Tip #4: Try a natural diuretic: Diuretics help your body flush water weight. But prescription diuretics can be rather harsh on your system and often cause intense diarrhea. Try a natural diuretic such as an herbal-based one for a gentler, healthier experience of forcing that excess water out of your body.
Tip #5: Sprinkle in some exercise: Yes, that weight loss panacea, exercise, comes in handy for helping you to lose water weight, too. Bonus tip: choose exercises that work the areas of your body (e.g., wrists or ankles) that need the most help in losing water.
Drinking more water is the cornerstone to a water weight loss strategy. Adding a bit of citrus to your water, taking natural diuretics, eating a low sodium diet, and doing concentrated exercises can also help you shed that weight. Losing water weight is the first step to looking sexy and feeling great with a comprehensive weight loss plan.
Looking to burn more fat, faster? Or, just want to get a flatter stomach? Find some FREE resources you can use today at: Crazy Ripped Abs and Diet Solutions [].
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Mike Tyson Training Program - Could You Follow It?

Mike Tyson is kind of an legend to a lot of bodybuilders. Many have expressed the desire to know about "Iron Mike's" daily routine. According to what we found out, you'll have to be an early bird if you want to follow in his footsteps!

This routine was listed on several websites and while I'm not 100% sure of its validity, it appears to be what is considered to be his daily schedule.

o 5am: Wake up and go for a 3 mile jog

o 6am: Back home for a shower and then back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)

o 10am: Wake up and eat oatmeal

o 12pm: Do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)

o 2pm: Eat another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)

o 4pm: More ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those legs for endurance and

o 5pm: Floor exercises: 2000 sit ups; 500-800 'dips'; 500 press ups and 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises (working the biceps, triceps, chest, abs and shoulders)

o 7pm: Eat steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (probably orange juice)

o 8pm: Another 30 minutes on the exercise bike

o 9:30 Watch TV and then go to bed

Mike Tyson's training program may or may not be for you. In fact, some bodybuilders don't like to run since it uses up nutrients and energy they want to save for building muscle. If you do both without a long rest in between you may end up losing muscle when you burn through the nutrients. There are body builders who do run, don't get me wrong. Running builds up muscle fiber in the legs, it just best to get a rest after your workout before you run.

As far as Mike's diet goes, the oatmeal is a good choice. The steak, if it is lean, is also good. The pasta? Well, there's mixed opinions about eating pasta, but you should definitely avoid pasta made from white flour. Whole wheat is a good carb for a body builder. According to the list provided he is missing essential fats. He should be consuming healthy, unsaturated fats like fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil and flax seed oils. It's also been proven that eating 5 - 7 small meals throughout the day is a much better plan than just having three meals.

While his routing may have worked for "Iron Mike", you'll have to decided if Mike Tyson's training program is the best one for you.

Zach is an expert author and bodybuilder. Success at bodybuilding means following a good program that is right for you. Get your questions answered and tips from real bodybuilders at:
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Visible Results In Two Weeks - How Laxative Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

If you've been hitting the gym and quitting the fatty foods but still can't seem to get off the pounds, you may want to try an alternative weight loss tool - laxative teas. While laxatives are commonly used for constipation, many people are unaware they can be helpful when people are struggling to get a healthier, slimmer body.

While many know of their usual use, the majority of people are not even aware of what a laxative does, let alone the amazing effects that can result from their use.

Laxatives actually prevent a significant portion of food from being absorbed by your body, and since the body is not sending out larger amounts of meals as waste, fewer calories are ending up on the waistline.

The Chinese have used laxative teas for centuries and they are routinely made with all natural ingredients such as Acai berries, Aloe, and Sienna herbs. They may even help in other ways such as improving liver function, lowering blood sugar, and lowering cholesterol.

Even if the tea itself doesn't solve all the body's problems, the fact that a healthy body weight has been achieved will certainly prevent many weight related illnesses and diseases from occurring.

While laxative tea sounds like a wonder drug, users must be careful as too much can cause mild to extremely serious complications. On the mild side is a little cramping or diarrhea, but if that diarrhea occurs for a long time due to an excessive dose of the tea, you may become dehydrated and require immediate medical attention.

So, if someone is looking for a natural way to lose weight and is committed to following instructions, then laxative teas are a great resource. Certainly, a proper diet and regular exercise are needed for any weight loss to be healthy, but if those final ten pounds are refusing to budge or the pounds are coming off too slowly, then give a laxative tea a try.

In two weeks or less you will have visible results. Just in time to put on that new Christmas outfit!
Issues of Health and Fitness in general and Healthy Weight Loss in particular are some of the subjects that Vladislav Shel has a personal interest in and is always looking for new and interesting information to write about.
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How To Build Muscle And Get Ripped-Nutrition And Fitness Tips

If you have always thought that getting a perfectly-toned and ripped body is all about using muscle building drugs, it is time that you get your facts right. There is nothing better and proven that vigorous workouts that are complemented with the right diet and the right technique.

One of the first things that anyone should know about bodybuilding is that NATURAL GAINS ARE THE BEST GAINS. Moreover, using banned performance enhancing drugs can put you at an increased risk of health complications such as high blood pressure, gynecomastia, and liver/kidney damage. If you want to improve results from your muscle-building endeavors, these nutrition and fitness tips would surely help you redefine physique in limitless ways.

1. It is a proven fact that the human body needs the right set of vitamins and minerals in daily diet. Bodybuilders are no exceptions. If you want to build muscle, grow them naturally and complement with the right calorie intake.

2. If you are new to bodybuilding, it is important for you to understand the importance of free weights like barbells and dumbbells. Make sure that you perform basic movements like the barbell bench press, the squat, the military shoulder press, and the deadlifts before you take things to the next level. Fancy machines can wait for beginners.

3. You will end up doing more damage than good if you walk straight into the gym and do whatever comes before you. Seek the assistance of an advanced bodybuilder or personal trainer to get a routine chart for building muscles and staying in the best shape. Moreover, you should always select a well-equipped gym that has professional and experienced trainer. The gym should have a wide range of equipments and free weights and it must follow all safety standards.

4. If your goal is to bulk up, make sure that you take digestive enzymes that contain lipase, protease, and amylase so that fat, protein, and starch can be broken down.

5. To allow muscles to grow, it is important for you to ensure that your body gets the right amount of proteins. Generally, professional bodybuilders consume a minimum of 1-2 grams of protein per pound of weight (e.g.: 190-lb bodybuilders will be eating between 190-360lbs grams of protein per day).

6. Last but not the least, you are wasting your money and time on bodybuilding workouts if you are not getting adequate sleep. Remember, your body grows the maximum during sleep. Therefore, you should always make sure that you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If you are not getting enough sleep and rest, it means your growth, energy levels, recovery, and hormone levels are getting bad hits.

Follow these tips on bodybuilding workouts and see the difference by yourself.
James McGlynn has been an active participant online for promoting awareness about health and dietary supplements. He has written extensively on bodybuilding workouts, supplements for muscle building, and how to train safe. To read his articles, visit
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Healthy Food Tips: Top 5 Best Muscle Building Foods for Fitness Enthusiasts

A diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates is essential for building lean muscle and losing excess fat.

Proper nutrition requires some basic knowledge, discipline, and consistency.

When you work out, the stress of weight lifting damages muscle fibers. In order for your body to recover, you need to consume quality foods that contain amino acids and carbs. The foods you eat on a daily basis are responsible for helping you recover from your workout sessions.

Here are top five best muscle building foods for fitness enthusiasts:
Chicken is a preferred choice among bodybuilders and athletes worldwide. This food is cheap and easy to cook. One chicken breast has approximately 25 grams of protein and less than 130 calories. For a rich flavor, you can marinate chicken in seasoned fruit juice. Use bold seasonings like minced hot peppers, infused vinegar, and curry.

Lean Ground Beef
If you want to put on some muscle, include beef into your diet. This type of meat is an excellent source of zinc and iron, two essential muscle building nutrients. Beef also contains two grams of creatine for every 16 ounces. Red meat is packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Each cut has a different amount of fat, protein, and calories. Beef doesn't contain any carbohydrates.

Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight against free radical damage after strenuous physical activity. Recent studies have shown that men who eat almonds on a regular basis have a 67 percent lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. Almonds also contain protean and healthy fats. They are the perfect snack for satisfying late-morning hunger.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds provide 25 grams of protein per 100 grams. Available both shelled and unshelled, they can be eaten roasted or row. Sunflower foods are rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion. In addition to protein and fiber, they contain vitamin E, linoleic acid, selenium, and vitamin B2. These essential nutrients support lean muscle growth, boost energy levels, and promote healthy adrenal glands.

Brown Rice
Brown rich is loaded with complex carbohydrates and fiber, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day. The American Dietetics Association recommends active individuals to have a diet rich in complex carbohydrates from quinoa, whole wheat pasta, oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. Whether you want to lose fat and get ripped before a fitness competition, or you are trying to build muscle, brown rice should be on your list.

Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, or have more energy, search for healthy food tips before starting a new diet. Proper nutrition should be a priority for those who want to stay healthy and maintain their body weight. At DSM Food, you can learn how to prepare tasty meals and choose the right foods for your diet.

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How to Lose Weight: 7 Key Elements Necessary for Weight Loss Success

Under the best circumstances, trying to lose weight can be stressful and challenging. There are numerous obstacles that always seem to lie in wait, hoping to derail your best efforts. Fortunately, you can alleviate many of these hazards if you start developing a weight loss strategy, an overall approach to the new, healthier you!

There are seven critical elements that all successful weight loss strategies will encompass. It is important to note that the term successful applies to long term, sustained weight loss where you are able to maintain a healthy weight through a healthy lifestyle.

#1. Ditch the diet mentality. Diets do NOT work. If they did, no one would be overweight. Instead of thinking in terms of deprivation and restriction (diets), start shifting your mindset to adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Embrace the idea of feeding your body the nutrition it needs. By giving your body what it wants in the form of healthy, nutrient rich foods, you will see how quickly it will respond by shedding the extra weight.

#2. Drink plenty of water. The reasons we need to drink water are numerous -- entire books have been written on this subject. What is important to understand at this point is that our bodies, and the cells within them, need water to function properly.

Every major organ, and system, in our body is dependent on water in order to operate properly and efficiently. It is especially important when we are losing weight because water is crucial in aiding the body's ability to flush out excess fat and toxins.

#3. Fruits and vegetables are your friend. Whether you eat meat, you're are a vegetarian (eat no meat), a pescetarian (eat fish but not meat), or a vegan (eat no animal products), every healthy eating plan must include generous servings of fruits and vegetables--every day!!

In addition to containing numerous anti-oxidants, they are an essential source of key vitamins and minerals your body needs to operate efficiently. Fruits and veggies are an excellent source of fiber and many contain high levels of water, so they are also naturally hydrating.

Fruits and veggies will give you the biggest bang for your buck on the nutritional side, meaning you can eat a far greater amount of a green, leafy salad than you can a bowl of pasta with sauce.

#4. Fats are not the enemy. Contrary to many popular beliefs, fat is not a foe; in fact, it is actually necessary for your body to have certain types of fat in order for your cells to function properly.
However, not all fats are created equal. The key is knowing which fats are good for you (healthy) and which ones are not (unhealthy). Examples of healthy fats include nuts, avocados and cold pressed olive oil. Unhealthy fats (saturated fats) would include butter, cheese and ice cream.

#5. Limit alcohol consumption. You have no doubt heard the saying that liquor is filled with empty calories. Unfortunately, it's even worse than that. Not only is there absolutely no nutritional value in alcohol, once consumed it is broken down into sugar, which hits our blood stream immediately and causes severe spikes in our body's blood sugar levels.

Alcohol consumption packs a "double-whammy" punch: on top of the calories being nutritionally empty, it reduces your inhibitions and can cloud your judgement. This can lead to poor food choices and/or a late-night binge on foods that will sabotage your long term health goals.

#6. Movement is a must. Rigorous exercise is not necessary in order to lose weight; in fact, technically no exercise at all is necessary. Weight loss is strictly a function of taking in less calories than your body uses, thereby forcing your body to burn extra fat for fuel.

However, that having been said, some form of exercise plays a key role in maintaining the overall health of our body. Living and being healthy are not simply about losing weight.
Walking is a great way to start. Even if you walk for 5 minutes in the morning, or at lunch, or after dinner, it is better than doing nothing. Keep track of how many minutes you do each day, and then increase it by a minute or two every 3-4 days.

#7. Stress management is critical to the success of any healthy lifestyle. While there are numerous reasons why, perhaps the most important for those who struggle with losing weight revolves around emotional eating.

Eating rich, creamy delectable foods gives us immediate satisfaction, and also gives us immediate comfort. When something upsets us, or stresses us, it is not a comfortable feeling. It is unpleasant, and we seek a way to get rid of feeling bad.

For many of us, that way is emotional eating. Without finding a healthy way to handle our daily stresses, we increase the chance that when they do occur, we will turn to the one thing we have used in the past - food.

All too often we try to tackle everything at once, radically changing our eating and our lifestyle and our routines. It is too overwhelming; it causes our systems too much stress. This is why most people do not find success with this approach.

The best approach to making these changes stick is to pick one and start incorporating that into your daily life. The most important thing is to DO SOMETHING!! Success is much more likely if you make small changes and do it consistently.

Eating an apple a day, adding that five minute walk, drinking an extra glass of water--those may seem like very small things to do, but you will be amazed at how fast those small successes will give you the momentum to achieve the big success you want!
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Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of 10 healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you.

o The first thing is to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar, processed foods. Along with eating better is getting the right nutrients in the system.

o So the second thing is to take vitamins and minerals to help your body work properly.
o The third tip is to quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you.

o The fourth thing to do is exercise. Exercise makes you feel good and can motivate you to get other things done as well.

o Along with exercise, number five is making sure you see a doctor each year for an annual physical. This is more important in women, but men should be seeing a doctor every 2-3 years to make sure there are no big health concerns.

o The sixth is to surround yourself with a strong support network, or a group of people who will be there for you and participate in a healthy lifestyle as well.

o Your family and friends can help you with the seventh tip, have fun and enjoy life.
o Eighth tip is to create a good balance between work and play.

o The final two tips are to accept yourself for the unique individual you are and love what you do. If you can accept yourself, the good and the bad, it will show in all you do. Your job is something you will be doing for at least the next 20 years, so you should love it. If you don't keep looking until you find something you do love.

Start with those healthy lifestyle choices and see how you feel in the next few weeks. You should feel more energized, motivated, and positive.

Ursula writes for She has a big interest in healthy lifestyle since she decided to change her life and improve her wellbeing. If you like to change your life and discover more about healthy lifestyle for your wellbeing [], start applying small changes today.
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Weight Loss Tips for Men

Weight loss is a general issue that almost anyone wants to solve.

 However, even with all the products that can assist people to lose weight, a lot of them are still not able to do it. It happens for a lot of reasons. But whatever that reason is, there are still helpful tips that you can turn to when all those products fail. For men who want to lose weight successfully, these weight loss tips for men will be beneficial for you. These are simple tips that can guide you into achieving your weight loss goals. But even with its simplicity, you still have to work on it. It is only then that you can achieve the body you desire.

Number 1 Tip: List Your Goals and Plan How you can Achieve Each of it
Losing weight is like finishing a project. You list every one of your goals and plan how you can reach it. You can do this by starting with the amount of weight you want to lose every day. Through this, it will keep you on track on achieving your primary goal, which is to lose weight. List the steps on how you can do it. Make reminders too like the foods you should eat and avoid and the amount you are only allowed to have in each meal. For the main activities, list the exercises you need to perform every day. If you have no idea about the work out plan you should follow, you can ask assistance from a fitness expert.

Number 2 Tip: Practice Weighing Yourself Every Day
Weighing yourself is vital to be informed of how much weight you are losing every day based on what you do. It is not an unhealthy thing or an obsessive behavior. By weighing yourself daily, you learn how much you lose and the amount you have to lose still. Based on the goals you listed, if you are not able to lose the amount of weight you should eliminate, you can make some modifications on your weight loss plan. 

Number 3 Tip: Avoid Watching Mindless Things
There is no time during the day when you will not be able to watch a commercial or show that does not feature food. You have to remember that you are on the process to lose weight. Therefore, you must not see anything that might distract and get you off the track. There is a possibility that you will get tempted to eat when you see a commercial with food as the one being advertised. Thus, as for this particular tip from the weight loss tips for men, you have to create and do something to keep you from getting distracted.

Number 4 Tip: Avoid Getting Too Much Hungry
It is one of the weight loss tips for men you should not forget. When a person gets hungry, you may crave for something sweet or salty. Both of these can ruin your goal to lose weight. Salty and sweet foods both leads to increasing the fats stored on your body. That is why you need to prevent getting
so hungry that you will desire to find these foods to fill your hunger. To avoid this, make sure to eat on time. It is also recommended that you eat after a couple of hours. Do not leave a huge gap on the time you are eating or the cravings will set you off track.

Number 5 Tip: Only have Nuts or any Foods with Monounsaturated Fats for Your Snacks
When on the process of losing weight, you do not have to stop snacking. You can still have it as long as what you eat are foods with monounsaturated fats. Nuts are rich in protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats. Eating 15 to 20 nuts is already considered as a snack and eating 50 nuts can already be a meal. Eating these foods helps in blunting your hunger. It also leaves you well-satiated. If you want to lose weight, this is one of the weight loss tips for men that must never be forgotten.

Number 6 Tip: Tell Others this Goal of Yours
In this part of the weight loss tips for men, you begin by telling your loved ones of your goal. By doing so, they can help you in achieving it. You can ask them to work out with you and make a competition out of it. That way, you will be more motivated to work out.
Yes, losing weight may come as a difficult and long process. So, you need to have enough patience to make this happen. As you continue with the process, the more you will get used to it and think of it as just a simple task. Telling yourself that you can do it also helps. Just as what they say when you are focused, nothing will be impossible. If you do not see any result after all you have done, remind yourself to be patient. Achieving this goal takes time. Guide yourself with these weight loss tips for men.

Read more Weight Loss Tips for Men at
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Top Weight Loss Tips

Dieting can be hard and not fun at the same time, but losing weight does not have to be torture. Try to take these top weight loss tips to heart and make them habits.

They are easy to add toward your daily routine and are backed by many nutritionists. This will not only help in you losing weight, but also maintaining weight, when you reach the weight goal you desire.

1. Focus on eating - Instead of tuning in on the new big drama you recorded while you eat, try focus on just eating. You are more likely to overeat if you are watching television, driving, or texting while you eat. Even if you are eating by yourself, try to make your breakfast, lunch, and dinner something you sit at the table and do.

2. Cravings do not last - Another top weight loss tip is next time you have to urge to snack or eat some junk food, grab your cell phone or get on Facebook. Chat with a friend for a while, it has been proven that cravings last for around 5 minutes. So while you gossip or talk about what has been going on today with your friends, your cravings will have most likely gone away.

3. Be very careful with those alcoholic beverages - One delicious fruity drink or margarita can end up with you taking in around 100 calories and can only help in making your hungrier. Try cutting back on alcohol or just drinking during the weekends. A great weight loss tip with this is you still want to drink is stick to drinking wine or vodkas and soda. Each carry around 90 - 100 calories each serving.
4. Get more sleep - Try going to bed earlier and sleeping a little bit longer. Not only will this help your mood and give you more energy for your day when you work out, but it has been known to help from overeating due to tiredness or being overstressed.

5. Snack smart, forget the vending machines - It is very easy in between breakfast and lunch at work to jump on the vending machine and grab a big bag of fattening chips. Why not try to plan your meals in advance? Eat two spoons of peanut butter or a piece of fruit like an apple or banana. This top weight loss tip will help in preventing you from adding on extra calories you for sure do not want.
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5 Common Misconceptions About How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite is in fact a very common physical condition that affects women and is constantly being talked about in fitness magazines, blogs, and forums. Pretty much everywhere you look there are companies selling different methods of cellulite reduction. This includes everything from lotions and creams, scrub brushes, laser, surgery, and many more.

This can often lead women to question the validity of many common methods of how to get rid of cellulite.

Furthermore, a lot of women want to know that the methods they are using are all-natural, as opposed to doing more invasive procedures such as surgery, lasers, and applying medicinal creams.

Here are 5 misconceptions and myths regarding cellulite reduction:

1. Cellulite creams, potions, and lotions are the best treatment option. This is not true, once you understand what cellulite actually is. Creams and gels that can be applied to the skin only help the skin and blood flow, as opposed to the muscle fibers that are affected.

2. Cellulite is Genetic. This is also false. Yes, some women who have cellulite will have daughters that have cellulite. However, many women with cellulite will have mothers that do not have cellulite, and vice versa. The truth is that many of these women have not found a sure-fire method of how to get rid of cellulite - so it is easier to make excuses and blame their family history!

3. The best way to remove cellulite is by visiting a med spa or surgical center. Since many women do not have the patience to see the proper treatment through from start to finish, many are looking for a fast fix. But just like with other medical surgeries, unless you change the habits, the problem will usually come back. Plus, surgery is very invasive and has many side effects including scarring and saggy skin issues.

4. I'm too old to get rid of my cellulite. Many women, regardless of age, have the ability to minimize and eliminate cellulite. As long as the proper movements and exercises are done, the results can be experienced by women of all ages.

5. Exercise just doesn't work! Hold on there, ladies! YES, exercise does work - IF you are doing the right exercises. In fact, most women do not know the correct exercises to do to help get rid of cellulite. Not to mention that many fitness instructors do not much about these exercise methods either!

Watch this Video on the best exercises to do for cellulite reduction at Cellulite Reduction Support, and read more about Top Cellulite Exercises.
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Get the New Look Through Body Contouring

Know about Vaser:-
Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance (VASER) is a form of liposuction surgery. It is used to remove the extra fat from the body which refuses to budge easily. In order to get rid of it ultrasound energies are passed through small probes which in turn emulsifies the excess fat. The liquefied fat is then sucked out from the patient's body.

The question that might arise in one's mind is "What is Liposuction?" The answer to the question lies in this article itself.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery in which the excessive fatty tissues are removed from the different parts of the body; mainly from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and back portion of the arms, and the abs by means of suction process. A hollow instrument known as 'cannula' is inserted into the body underneath the skin which then sucks out the fat from the body. It has become quite popular and it is preferred by obese people.

What is Arm Liposuction?
Arm liposuction is quiet popular among men. With lots of people going for liposuction surgery, Arm liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic surgery according to a survey done by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPRS). Through this procedure, anybody can get a sleek and toned arm by getting rid of the sagging fat. Generally the fat in the upper arms refuses to budge even when one is under a strict dieting regime. However, it would be advisable that one should consult a physician before undergoing aN arm liposuction surgery and knows the pros and cons of it.
There are basically two types of arm liposuction:-

1. The Tumescent Method
2. The Laser Assisted Technology.

The latter one is preferred as it is less invasive and causes less pain and inflammation than the tumescent method.

The surgeon makes small incisions and a saline solution is then injected into the body which shrinks the blood vessels. It lessens the bruising of the skin. Thereafter the 'cannula' is inserted into the body which emits powerful ultrasound waves upon the fatty layer. It liquefies the fat and hence separating it from surrounding tissues without disturbing the surrounding nerves and cells.

The biggest advantage is that it does not dislocate the blood vessels, nerves, and the connective tissues. Therefore it makes the process less painful from the earlier ones. It will help you to get the desired look that one wanted for years within a short span of time. It also helps to tighten the skin around the upper portion of the arms. It does not take much time to recover after the operation. Minimal trauma happens to the skin. There are lesser chances of complications.

The only disadvantage is that it can reduce the elasticity of the skin and sometimes it cannot remove the sagging skin completely.

If you are worried about cosmetic surgery then you need not worry any more. Arm liposuction is easily available at our London clinic and it comes within affordable prices.
If you want to know something more about Arm liposuction then you can visit our website or also pay a visit to our vaser liposuction clinic in London. You can also call us at 08454961497 / 02084249687 on any days from Monday to Thursday in between 9am to 6pm.
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Mastery and Weight Loss

Long term, effective weight loss depends on many different factors, but, to me, one of the most important is the concept of mastery.

 Just like the athlete who participates in an obscure (i.e. non-sponsored) sport finds the motivation to get up each day and work towards his or her goal because of the sense of accomplishment that creates, mastery is a powerful motivator.

Mastery is not limited to athletic endeavours, however. Indeed, the motivation we find to clean out our attic or wash the car stems from the same sense of personal pleasure and accomplishment we achieve when striving for mastery in other forms. Through mastery, we are able to achieve a sense of self-satisfaction and development. It encourages problem solving, creativity, and risk-taking that eventually leads to the mastery of additional tasks and improves our self-esteem.

As lovely as these facts are, however, they are directly at odds with the way that common weight loss programs and weight loss industry edicts work. Instead of offering empowerment and self-efficacy, these prescriptive programs strip you of your autonomy and discourage problem solving in the name of making things 'easy' and 'fast'.

A client once explained to me: 'When I first started with you I thought, wow this is so easy, why didn't I think of it before. Then I realised why-I didn't think, I had been so trained to turn my brain off that I forgot I had one in the first place!'

Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours on a personal journey of mastery. I have mastered hundreds of exercises as well as healthy eating habits that have improved my life while lowering my weight and keeping it low.

But don't think that this was all easy-peasy. I've never been a coordinated girl, especially when I was still overweight. I lived through school always being the last chosen for teams or the one left standing as the odd one out. This was work! But it was also motivation. No matter how many times I crash a dumbbell into my head or swing my arms the wrong way and knock into a wall, the reminder of the things I can do-over 50 types of plank or feet-to-ceiling hanging leg lifts-and the mastery of those things continue to motivate me and get me to the gym each day.

On my personal journey, mastering each step was the way that I kept motivated and went from fat to fit, and remained there long term. However, this secret continues to be among the most controversial in the weight loss industry. Remember what Marx said 'Sell a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity'. Now, which side of the equation do you think the weight loss industry is on? Do you want to master 'how to fish'? Then stop patronising fish stores.

Need help understanding weight loss mastery? My online community, Love Your Weight Loss is here to help. Offering you a personalised, autonomous way to lose weight and keep it off, the information and resources at are all you need to learn to 'fish' for a lifetime.
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