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دول التحالف العربي

أطلقت عشرة دول عربية عملية عسكرية أسمها التحالف "عاصفة الحزم" استجابة لدعوة الرئيس اليمني عبد ربه هادي منصور بالتدخل العسكري المباشر في اليمن لمواجهة قوات الحوثيين، وفرض حظر جوي على أجواء اليمن.
يأتي ذلك بعد أن كادت تتهاوى اليمن لتسقط في يد قوات الحوثي التي نابذت سلطة عبد ربه هادي منصور العداء المسلح حتى أخرجته من صنعاء ثم دخلت عدن فقصفت قصره بالطائرات واستولت على المناطق الحيوية بالمحافظة كالبنك المركزي اليمني ومطار عدن وغيرهما من المناطق الحيوية.

ووجه الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز، خادم الحرمين الشريفين ببدء عملية "عاصفة الحزم" ضد الحوثيين في اليمن عند الساعة 12 مساء أمس الثلاثاء بتوقيت الرياض، مرحبا بمشاركة المجتمع الدولي في العملية التي بدأت بتحقيق أهدافها بعد دقائق من انطلاقها.

وعلى الفور استجابت لدول عربية لدعوة المجلس حيث أصدر عمان بيان أوضحت فيه دعمها للضربة العسكرية حيث رحبت مصر والأردن والمغرب وباكستان والسودان بالمشاركة في العملية.

وذكرت قناة العربية، أن مصر شاركت بمقاتلات وسفن حربية، وقطر شاركت بعدد 10 طائرات مقاتلة، كما أن دولة الكويت شاركت بعدد 15 مقاتلة أيضًا بالعملية، وأيضًا الأردن التى تشارك بـ6 مقاتلات، بهدف الدفاع عن الحكومة الشرعية ومنع حركة الحوثيين من السيطرة على البلاد، كما أن السعودية دفعت بــ100 طائرة و150 ألف مقاتل ووحدات بحرية، ودولة الإمارات شاركت بــ30 طائرة، والأردن بــ6 طائرات، والمغرب بـ6 طائرات، والسودان بـ3 طائرات، وقطر بـ10، والكويت دفعت بـ15 مقاتلة، والبحرين بـ15 مقاتلة، وباكستان بمقاتلات وقطع بحرية.

وقال بيان صادر عن وزارة الخارجية، إن مصر تتابع بقلق بالغ على مدار الأسابيع الماضية التدهور الشديد فى الأوضاع السياسية والأمنية فى اليمن الشقيق، وما شهدته من انقضاض على المؤسسات الشرعية وانتشار لأعمال العنف والإرهاب، الأمر الذى طالما أعلنت مصر رفضها الكامل له، وطالبت بالتنفيذ التام لمخرجات الحوار الوطنى واحترام الشرعية

Arab coalition countries

Ten Arab countries launched a military operation in its name Alliance "storm packets" in response to the invitation of Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi direct military intervention in Yemen to face the Huthi forces, and the imposition of a no-fly on the atmosphere of Yemen.This comes after almost falling apart Yemen to fall into the hands of al-Huthi forces Nabzt Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi authority of armed hostility even brought out of Sanaa, Aden and then entered the aircraft bombarding the palace and captured the vital areas to maintain the central Kalpnk Yemen and Aden airport and other vital areas.
The face of King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the start of "a storm packets" operation against the Houthis in Yemen at 12 pm EST on Tuesday Riyadh, hello with the participation of the international community in the process that began with the achievement of its goals within minutes of its launch.
And immediately responded to the Arab countries to call on the Council of Oman, where a statement to support a military strike explained as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan welcomed to participate in the process issued.
Al Arabiya television reported that Egypt participated fighter jets and warships, and Qatar participated with 10 fighter jets, and the State of Kuwait participated number 15 fighter also the process, and also Jordan, which involved 6-fighter, in order to defend the legitimate government and to prevent the Houthi movement of the control of the country, as Saudi Arabia paid for 100 aircraft and 150 thousand fighters and units freely, and the UAE participated with 30 aircraft, and Jordan, 6-planes, and Morocco, with 6 aircraft, and Sudan with 3 aircraft, and Qatar with 10, and Kuwait paid with 15 fighter, and Bahrain with 15 fighter, Pakistan fighter jets and naval vessels.
A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, said that Egypt is following with great concern over the past weeks, the sharp deterioration in the political and security situation in Yemen brother, and witnessed the attack the legitimacy of institutions and the spread of violence and terrorism, which as long as Egypt announced full his refusal, and demanded the full implementation the output of the national dialogue and respect for legality

Weight Loss -Apple

Live life to the fullest', this is a great statement that indicates a great way of living. But some people misinterpret this statement and get indulged in all those activities which are not beneficial for them. Overindulgence in food is one of the very common scenarios here that leads to overweight and thus, face various serious health consequences. Diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure etc are some of the health issues caused by excessive weight gain. Due to its dangerous effects, medical professionals recommend various types of weight loss methods to the people who are overweight. Following a healthy diet, doing regular exercise are some of the very common and effective ways for losing weight. However, in spite of knowing all these, some people due to their idleness don't go for these ways and at the end suffer a lot.

For quite a longer period of time, apple cider vinegar has been used by people as an effective way of losing excessive weight. This weight loss method is also beneficial for circulatory health. Even children who are obese can use this supplement for excessive weight loss, as it has no side effects. Apple cider vinegar is made from fermentation of apple juice. The process of fermentation provides alcoholic apple cider which is mixed with oxygen to generate acetic acid. The pH of apple cider is very useful for good health.

Apple cider vinegar weight loss has a lot of advantages, such as: it got rich minerals, vitamins and other useful substances. It has almost all the vitamins that are required to maintain a good health, like vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin, A, vitamin P, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. Moreover, apple cider vinegar contains several valuable minerals, for example: manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulpher, copper, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine and fluorine. It provides the body the necessary enzymes, amino acids, aldehydes, potash, alcoholic acids, propionic acid, and apple pectin. The apple pectin is a nutritional fiber which is a vital element of a healthy diet. Thus, we can say that with more than 90 essential substances and a good amount of minerals and vitamins, apple cider vinegar is one of the most demanding ingredients in a healthy diet.

Apart from being useful for losing excessive weight loss, apple cider vinegar has many more advantages. For instance: it helps in controlling blood pressure, controls cholesterol, controls glucose levels in the blood, speeds up metabolism and eliminates the toxic wastes from the body tissues, develops bone mass and makes them stronger, beneficial for yeast infections, effective in flu or chest congestion, reduce sore throats, improves digestion, useful in nasal congestion etc. To conclude we can say that using apple cider vinegar is safe, as it is free from any kind of side effects. Anybody can use it to get effective results in various health issues including weight loss. This is the reason why a lot of people support the concept of apple cider vinegar weight loss.

Would you like to lose weight fast and easy with the Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss [] that has helped many people online? Don't wait to loss weight, act fast now!
If you want to find out what this amazing secret is, and also see how my friends and clients lost 25 pounds and flattened there stomach in a month with this secret, then simply click the following link: [].
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Formaldehyde in The Home: What You Should Know and How to Protect Your Health

Formaldehyde is used a lot in manufacturing, primarily as an adhesive or glue to bind materials like laminate wood flooring, fiber board, plywood, etc. It's also found in high levels in carpet coatings and in cigarette smoke, fumes from fuel burning appliances, kerosene heaters. The important point, however, is that formaldehyde does release a gas into indoor areas where these materials have been used. Most recently, a Lumber Liquidator's Chinese flooring product was found to release fairly high levels of formaldehyde and creating many health concerns.

Should you be concerned about formaldehyde gas in your indoor air? If you've had any of that Chinese laminate flooring installed, yes. Though most of us are exposed to low levels of formaldehyde on a daily basis, it isn't something you want to breathe, as it doesn't take a lot to reach a point of toxicity. And higher levels are going to create symptoms like burning, watery eyes, irritated throat, nausea, breathing problems, and new or worsened asthma attacks. Long term, formaldehyde is known to cause nasopharyngeal cancer and myeloid leukemia and no one needs that. If you have any kind of laminate or hardwood flooring, I would at least test the air in your home and find out what is there or not, for your own peace of mind.

If you're pregnant, you definitely don't want formaldehyde or any other chemical pollutant in the air you're breathing, and certainly not when your baby gets here. Formaldehyde gas has been linked to various birth defects, brain damage, deformities, and more. It just isn't good to breathe, period. Air quality during pregnancy is very important, and some say almost as important as your diet. Great care should be taken to ensure than your indoor air is as clean as possible, using the best home air filtration systems you can find with substantial activated carbon filters, HEPA filters, and UV if that's an option. The UV light is very good for destroying airborne bacteria, mold spores, viruses and VOC's (volatile organic chemicals) in the air that contribute to odors as well as a variety of unpleasant health effects.

What to do: you can easily use a formaldehyde gas detection kit to find out if there is any of that pollutant floating around in your home. A good brand is BHC and it's under $100. Or, (and this is recommended if you're pregnant) you can buy an air cleaner that is capable of removing gases like formaldehyde, particles, dust mites, VOC's, etc. A very good air cleaner for this purpose is the Austin HealthMate Plus. It has a significant amount of quality carbon, it's designed to remove chemicals like formaldehyde and others, as well as a medical grade HEPA filter, great warranty, handles 1500 square feet and it's under $650.

Regardless, if you think you may have formaldehyde in your home or even if you're not sure, at least buy a test kit and find out. You don't want to end up with problems down the road from this chemical, and it's proven to cause issues. If you did have Chinese laminate flooring installed like the type from Lumber Liquidators, definitely consider getting an air filtration system to protect your health. There also seems to be a class-action suit going on for this, so you may want to consult an attorney to find out what your options are.

Hi, it's Rex Murphy at Air Purifiers and We regularly publish articles like this to help people avoid the hazards of indoor air pollution and live better lives.
At our online store, we offer a full selection of quality Austin air cleaners, replacement filters and formaldehyde detection kits--all at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping. Call us today with your questions--we're here to help!
Air Purifiers and
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How To Avoid Middle Age Weight Gain

As we get older our metabolism slows down and middle age weight gain becomes much more of an issue in our lives. As our metabolism decreases so does our body's ability to burn calories. If we keep eating the same amount of food our bodies will start to turn the excess calories into fat. The more over weight we get the less active we become. So how can you avoid middle age weight gain?

The solution is to have a weight loss plan that includes a combination of diet and exercise. A good diet will cut the number calories that you are taking in, while exercise will burn off calories that you eat.

What You Eat Makes A Difference.
As we become older, our bodies start to produce fewer digestive enzymes. This alters the way that our bodies breakdown and process nutrients. To combat this, stay away from foods that are high in sugar and fat. Fat contains more calories and is one of the main causes of weight gain, particularly around your stomach.

Eat more fruits and vegetables as they are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals that the body needs, which, makes them quality calorie foods. There are many vegetables that are filled with fibre which are filling, low in calories and help digestion. For example broccoli, is a great food for your weight loss plan as it contains nutrients that help counteract other food elements that trigger the body to deposit fat in the stomach area.

What you drink matters too. Many times thirst feels like hunger, and instead of drinking we eat. Water is one of the few beverages that has no preservatives, no sodium, and no calories. Aim to drink a minimum of 8 glasses per day. If you find it difficult to drink just water, add in some freshly squeezed lemon or lime.

What You Do Makes A Difference.

Exercise helps your weight loss plan by increasing your muscle mass and is how to boost your metabolism for women and men. The best exercises for weight loss are aerobic workouts and resistance training.

Aerobic exercises work the heart and the cardiovascular system. When our heart beats faster the body burns more calories. The longer you keep your heart rate up the more calories you will burn. Aerobic activity includes things like cycling, jogging, walking and swimming.

Resistance, or strength, training focuses directly on the muscles. It increases muscle mass and when you do this, you also improve your metabolism. This means that your body will burn calories not only just during a specific workout bur even when it is a rest.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.
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Top 5 Reasons to Have Laser Hair Removal!

Feeling Confident:
Feeling self-conscious about unwanted body hair can really affect your self-confidence. Facial hair for women can be especially troubling; it's something most women try to hide having to shave on a daily basis in secret. Knowing that your skin is smooth and hair free because of laser hair removal will restore your self-confidence and allow you feel more comfortable day to day spontaneously. No more hiding or worrying about unwanted hairs.

Quick and Easy:
Many people rethink laser hair removal because they are worried it will have a long recovery time or may be too painful. Permanent laser hair removal has no recovery down time and is a bearable feeling for most people, if your clinic supply's a cooler the feeling is like a pinging of elastic band. Some mild irritation may be present after the treatment but it will clear up within a few hours up to 2 days at the most.

Clear Skin:
For many people who shave regularly it can cause various skin irritations, Ingrown hairs, acne, razor burn and red or discolored spots on skin, these seem to be the alternative to hairy legs, face or bikini line. A breakout that is caused by shaving or waxing can be just as embarrassing as the unwanted hair, which puts you in an uncomfortable position with choosing the most effective method. Laser hair removal offers a long term solution to all of the above problems.

Saving Time and Money in Long Run:
Laser hair removal treatment requires an additional investment in both time and money that may seem inconvenient at first but most definitely pays for itself in the in the long run. The truth is that the cost you pay for laser hair removal is much less than what you will pay for other hair removal methods over the course of your lifetime such as shaving and waxing. The procedure is quick and easy and you can be hair free in roughly 6 sessions. Depending on your hormones you may need the odd top up after a year or two but that's it.

Ready for Summer:
There's nothing more annoying than going on holiday and having to shave daily so you look great in your bikini and feel 100% comfortable or that morning you have wear trousers on a sunny day because you had no time to wax. With laser hair removal treatment, you'll be ready for anything, anytime!
Meadow Sweet Practice is a skin treatment clinic in Essex which offers age spots removal treatment and acne treatment Essex and laser tattoo removal Essex at very affordable price.
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Healthy Ways For A Healthy Life

The food we consume plays the most important role in our healthy and lifestyle directly. Building a healthy grocery list is the best thing a home maker can do, the benefits of which will last for a lifetime. A balanced diet is the key for complete well being of the family. By selecting the grocery item you are deciding about your health. Few changes in your daily eating habit can improve your health. With increasing number of lifestyle diseases, a proper diet is the answer to fight the odds. Let's take a look at how you can lead a healthy life by changing food habits.

Avoid Junk Food: Junk foods are high in fat, sugar and cholesterol. We usually munch chips, fries and other snacks while watching the TV. Kids are fond of these snacks, but they are tasty and at the same time harmful. They have less nutritional values. So go for alternatives; munch fruits, sprouts, peanuts, grams etc.

Your grocery list speaks a lot about you: Your health is the manifestation of your grocery shopping list, take some time and prepare it carefully. Include food that contains protein, carbohydrate, fibers, vitamins. Balance is the key and nature has a beautiful way of maintaining balance of your health through food. Nowadays online grocery stores are evolving like never before. Leverage the power of online grocery stores because they help you more than just supplying your groceries.

- You can save your money by buying from online grocery stores. These stores provide online grocery deals which will help you save your hard earned money.

- You can relax, plan and buy without having to worry about the long queue to pay the bill. Moreover you are not spending money and time commuting to the stores. You buy better under a stress free situation.

Drink plenty of water: Proper amount of water is essential for the metabolism to function properly. Water flushes away the toxins and keeps your system clean.

Sleep & Exercise: Do not deprive yourself from sleep. We often underestimate the importance of sleep. Sleep helps to rejuvenate the internal metabolism and maintain a proper hormonal balance. Exercise regularly to maintain proper health of your body and heart. You can try aerobics, yoga or a walk, whatever you find comfortable.

Our bodies are miraculous creation of nature. Treat it like a temple because once you are healthy you can enjoy your life to the fullest. You can chase you dreams and you can be happy.
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